Chapter 35

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Calliope woke in Onerios' arms, her head rested against his marble white chest, a small smile shining down on her. She lost herself in his eyes, holding an entire universe.
"Good morning, my love."
The Lord of Dreams still sounded as grave as a tombstone, saying these tender words. She touched his smile with her fingers, then cradled his face. "Good morning, my love..." She whispered, and pulled him down for a delicious kiss. "How are you today?"
He took a second to think. "Hmmm... More my usual self. But weirdly, hm, happy, I suppose."
Calliope laughed. "That's good."
"How are you today?"
So happy that she could scream for joy. "Less desperately wanton, I think." Calliope grinned. "Although, I would not object at all, if you still were."
"You know that my purpose must have been fulfilled." His cold hand circled her waist and rested on her stomach.
Calliope touched his face again. No color.
She closed her eyes, there. His cold hand. And a warm, fuzzy feeling, deep within her belly.
"By the Gods..." She opened her eyes and he smiled. "Already?"
He nodded. "There was no way avoiding it, really. You know, it was in Destiny's book."
She nodded. Would that change things between them, now that he did not need to be corporeal, anymore? "So this is it, huh?" Calliope tried to smile. She had hoped that the grace period, where they could pretend they were any other couple would be longer than just one night.
"What are you asking, my love?" His gaze searched her face.
She swallowed. "You fulfilled your purpose. Back to life."
His hand stretched to her face and wiped a curl away. "Calliope. That we are rid of my sibling's curse does not mean I do not love you. Nor does it mean I've stopped desiring you. We can choose now, when and how." He kissed her, at first slow, then more intensely.
And then Oneiros showed her, how much he loved and desired her, even without being cursed into corporeality.

(See you here on Wattpad for the Epilogue, tomorrow, noon. Until then, please vote for this chapter.)

Calliope - In The Arms Of MorpheusWhere stories live. Discover now