Chapter 33

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Morpheus' heart jumped at the sight of his beautiful bride, walking out of her bedroom beside her translucent mother. A vision in white an gold, her brown curls wrapping around a fine tiara, she looked like a goddess. How could so much joy be contained in just one human body?
Translucent Terpsichore sat on a stool in his throne room strumming her lyre to an entrancing rhythm, while Thalia and Melepomene sang the traditional wedding song in two voices.
Calliope stopped beside him, in front of his throne, her wide brown eyes glinting. "You look beautiful, Oneiros," she whispered breathlessly, nodding at his matte black wedding chlamys with the black shimmering Greek meanders at the seams.
"You are stunning yourself," Morpheus replied, relishing in the sight of his bride in her white wedding dress with the golden shining meanders adorning the yellow veil.
Mnemosyne stepped behind them and hovered, now one step above above, in their middle.
Below them, the translucent Muses had gathered among Morpheus' peasants, to celebrate the big day. Lucienne, with a sparkle in her eyes, his raven perched on her shoulder, the nightdreams holding hands, and Skoni in Hava's arm, barely containable from excitement.
"We have gathered here, to celebrate the union of muse Calliope and Dream of the Endless." Mnemosyne said solemnly.
The muses applauded, and the other guests joined them.
"I am pleased to announce, that this will be an unusual union, because the bride will dwell on both sides, of her new life: she will be in the Dreaming at her husband's side, but also live among the waking, at the temple, to be able to take up her work as a proper muse."
Everybody applauded again.
"Since we guests from the Waking can not eat in our dreams, and you, inhabitants of the Dreaming, can not come to the Waking, we arranged for two banquets, to be held seperately in the name of the couple."
The peasants applauded, the Muses nodded.
"But let us now come to the most important part." Mnemosyne held her translucent hand between them, palm up.
"Dream of the Endless, I give you my daughter Calliope, to have and to hold, to cherish and protect, as long as you may exist."
Morpheus held his white hand above Calliope's, palm up, offering her his love. "I, Dream of the Endless promise to protect you, Muse Calliope, from all harm, and to safeguard and care for our offspring."
Her eyes held his though the barrier of her thin veil, as she hovered her hand, palm down, above his. "I, Muse Calliope, promise to love you, Oneiros, no matter what. I will bear your offspring, and whatever the fates may bestow on us."
Mnemosyne hovered her other hand, palm down atop of their hands. "I bless this union with as much time and wonderful memories, as they are able to make."
Calliopes placed her hand in Morpheus', her warm touch racing color up his arm, across his body and into his heart. Something deep inside him exploded, and a smile and a tear forced their way onto Morpheus' face.


Her husband took Calliope's hand and led her down the three steps of his throne, under their guests' thundering applause. Instead of taking her further down the large staircase to the floor where people waited, he walked with her around the throne, to a door behind it, she had never noticed. What was he up to, if they weren't going down towards the bedroom?
He stopped in front of the door, and Mnemosyne hovered beside them, a large smile on her face.
"I thank you, dear Mnemosyne, for bringing my wonderful bride into life, and safeguarding her from afar. After I remove the veil, I promise to make her happy, as long as this is in my power."
"I thank you, Oneiros, my son in law. I am glad to welcome you into our family. May your married life be blessed with inspiration."
Oneiros turned to Calliope, his gaze intent, and held the sides of her veil. Calliope held her breath, her heart swelling as she soaked in the view of her beautiful husband through the lifting veil. His eyes fixed in hers, his lips slightly parted, a look of awe taking the time to live in the moment. Slowly, one hand caressed her cheek, while his lips opened, his breath caressing her face, eyes wide in awe. "You are so..." his voice broke.
Yes, he, too, was the most beautiful and most important being she had ever laid eyes onto. Bluish light reflecting on his cheekbone, a strand of raven black hair moving in the draft, a universe in his eyes, was all she needed to see, for the rest of her life.
And then he kissed her, like a thirsty man drank water, hungry, greedy, until a smile spread on his exploring lips. Oneiros broke the kiss and grabbed her, hoisting her onto his arms swaying her in a circle around him, a giddy scream of victory emerging from deep within his body. Calliope flew in his arms, a giddy cry on her lips. "I love you, Calliope! With every fiber of my newfound body!" He howled, then kicked the door open and carried her through.
This, right here, in his arms, felt so right. More at home than she had ever been. Calliope could live there, her face pressed against the taut muscles of his chest, and the choice of pulling his endless cloak over her face and hide from the world, if need be. Lavender and sandalwood.
His steps sounded vast on the marble floor in the large room with the vaulted gothic ceiling. Golden candlelight flickered across the black arches, from hundreds of thick candles arranged on black candelabra and flocking on the floor, a large bed in the middle.
Like this, Oneiros could carry her through hades, if he wanted, and she would not object. These wonderful moments, these memories were worth everything the future was about to hold for them.
In the shadows, a man-sized black iron stand gleamed, holding a nightmarish helm, with what looked like a boned tail. It also held a gleaming ruby, a little pouch, a hook with the midnight-black coat and a stand holding my husband's bow and quiver.
Her Love carried Calliope over to the bed, where he gently let her down. Not ready to let go of him, Calliope kept her arms around his neck, pulling him down with her, for a long and thirsty kiss.
"My love..." Calliope breathed into his skin. "I need you to touch me..."
His lips smiled against her jawbone. "Good, my Muse. Inspire me. Tell me what you need."
Now, the aching would be put to an end for the love to begin.

(I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. More of this indulging in happiness, tomorrow. Please vote for the chapter.)

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