Chapter 11

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There was no more sand in Calliope's face to be inhaled with every ragged breath. Her weird nightmare of choking had turned for the better. The world swayed to the rhythm of his steps. Cold, muscular skin against her cheek. This was far better than the cold cavern floor, she was probably currently dyeing on. She could breathe properly. Every breath touched the cold skin and warmed it a little more.
Calliope tried prying her eyes open, but was engulfed by darkness as deep as the night.
A muffled four-hooved rhythm sounded behind them, between the steps of her bearer.
Someone chuckled. "It's the first time you're leaving a trail of sand, my lord," a rich female voice commented.
The chest moved. "We'll get Skoni to clear that up."
"Very well, Sir," the woman said, with a smile in her voice, "I'll find the little bugger and put our housewives' nightmare to good use."
By now, the chest had normal body temperature, as if Calliope had warmed him, not the opposite. She closed her eyes again and indulged in the intense feeling of the safety, this dream offered.
Peace. Hope.
In reality, at least Hippolitos would be free. That was all that matters. And she would never have to endure her inauguration. No vile men outbidding each others for being the first one to 'consult' her. If that was the way to die in the cold, Calliope didn't mind at all.
"I'm taking care of Hippolitos and find him a snack. If I may be so bold, she may want a suite with a large bathroom, with all the sand. And fresh clothes, Sir." A pause. "Sorry, Sir. You know what's good for your guests."
The sound of his steps turned sharper, like they were walking on a stone ground.
This should never end.
A bit of sand tickled her nose and she sneezed it out.
"The little Muse is awake."
Calliope knew that voice: her perfect death dream even included cuddles with her favorite Endless.
"Do not worry. The pegasos brought you to safety. I'll get you to your quarters."
"...Oneiros..." her voice sounded rough.
"Do not speak. In a few minutes you'll be able to drink."
Don't stop speaking!
His smell crept though her dusty nose. Lavender and sandalwood.
Hinges creaked and then his steps reverberated across a larger space.
"Where are we?"
"Crossing my throne room. You will see it later."
Another creaking door, a few steps, hinges again, a door falling shut, then he stopped. The cloth shielding her from the world flapped away. Clean, cold air hit her face, making her shiver. Blindly, Calliope grabbed onto her night-black shield from the world. She was not ready to wake up and die.
"You will be warm in a second." He laid her onto something soft and she slowly opened her eyes. Bright light hit her and forced her to close them again. "Don't leave!" Speak to me.
"No. I will not leave." A warm and soft blanket was pulled over her shivering body. "You can open your eyes now."
Warm, flickering candlelight illuminated his face, causing the strands of his jet-black hair to flicker shadows on his high chalk-white cheekbones. Through his eyes, an entire universe looked at her.
"Oneiros..." Calliope whispered and let go of his coat, to be able to chase a flickering shadow across his skin. Where her fingers touched him, his chalk-white skin magically turned to pale pink flesh. Wow! She wanted to touch all of him, see that magic happen all over his body.
His hand gently plucked hers from his face, leaving one cheek colored, the rest of him black and white. "You should not do this, Calliope."
"Why, Oneiros?"
A pained look crossed his face. "I can not indulge in fleeting joys. Please do not tempt me." He straightened, bringing his face out of her reach.
"I'm sorry..." Tears stung in her eyes. She breathed in and out to push them back in, and hide her weakness. Calliope was not made to be loved, or even liked. She was made to inspire and be unselfish.
He pushed a few cushions behind her back and handed her a cup. The water was clear and a balm to her burning throat.
"I am sorry too." He took the cup and put it away.
"I do not mean to hurt you, Calliope." His cold hand softly brushed sand from her cheek. "Endless are not made to indulge. I may be tempted, but I need to concentrate on fulfilling my purpose, or the consequences may be vast."
"I do not know how to fulfill my purpose. Just the thought repels me." Calliope's throat constricted and the stupid tears spilled out of her eyes. "Maybe I'm too flawed for what I was meant to be, but I can't. I don't want any of them. They are so rough and vile. I want you..."
One eyebrow shot up. "I do not understand."
"I don't want to be inaugurated." Her voice trembled. "I do not want to 'receive' people between my legs to inspire them. I don't..." I'd rather be dead.
"I see." A warm smile curled his lips. "If I am right, you watched Erato."
She nodded. "I thought, if there had to be one, it rather be you, than anyone else..." She was so foolish. She should not have said that.
His hand stopped hers from covering her face, turning warm and fleshy in the process. "It does not have to be like this."
"Every Muse has her own way to inspire. Terpsichore dances, Thaila sings, Melepomene cries sometimes."
Hope bloomed. She could find her own way. She could do this, without ever giving herself to anyone.
Calliope would never give herself to anyone. Not even him. If he did not want her, then it would be no one at all. Her heart shattered.
"Rest." The flesh-colored stain she had given him, already faded. "A bath and dinner will be ready, once you wake."
"Don't leave!" If she could hold on to her dream before dyeing by the lapel of his night sky cloak, so be it.
His hand peeled hers from the cloth and tugged it under the warmth of her covers. "I'll be nearby, I promise."


In another realm, deep inside their blood-red throne room, Desire started to laugh hysterically. "Haha! You are getting real, dear brother!"

(If you are ready for a literla dream-date, vote for this chapter, and then read on. :-)

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