Chapter 13

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Even in the form of a white dove, Calliope's eyes grew larger as they swept across the Dreaming. For a brief time, Morpheus had forgotten, that his realm was way older than her, or, to be precise, much newer. He lived with the luxury of technology that was two-thousand years newer than her time. He needed to keep that in mind, and make sure she would not get overwhelmed.
They landed in front of the gate and resumed their human form.
Calliope smiled up to him. "That was extraordinary! What was the weird dwelling besides the area with the crosses?"
Symbols, not easily interpreted by a being dated before christ. "We call that dwelling a cottage. Some of my denizens live there, and the sea of crosses is a place where we bury our dead. This area is for nightmares to people that have not been born in your time yet."
Her golden dress fluttering in the breeze, she looked thoughtful. "So time is of no importance for you, Lord Oneiros?"
"It is more complicated than that." Morpheus pulled his cloak closer in the freshening wind. "I am a subject to time too. Right now, I have existed a few thousand years more than you have. Originally I was invited back to your time, to visit my sister."
"Stop, Endless Lord!" She giggled and playfully punched his arm. "You're making me dizzy with your age!"
Goosebumps rose on her skin and she wrapped her arms around herself in the wind.
"Let us get you inside, Calliope. Keep you warm, and make you even more dizzy with the stunning insides of my castle." Morpheus' cheeks felt stiff from the smiling. His arm was warm where she had hit it. She had to be distracted, or she would keep on touching him.
The doors opened, and they stepped into the large entrance hall. He manifested a golden silk scarf and draped it across her shoulders, while she gazed around, mouth agape: her eyes taking in the three story romanic brick architecture, the large steps to the upper library, the pterosaur-skeleton spreading its wings towards the stairs, carrying magic candles illuminating the entire room. This had to be different to any building she had ever seen.
"Your temp-... castle is large!"
"Remember," He walked towards the steps. "it is a dream-realm." Hopefully this white lie would help her deal with her architectural overwhelm.
She smiled, and walked up the stairs with such ceremony, as if she was already a seasoned priestess. Morpheus indulged in the view of her curves moving in the flowing dress, and her golden bangle gleaming in the soft candlelight. Sweetness and beauty, light brown hair flowing, only tamed by the golden barrette, she had manifested. He needed to remember to give her the exact same clothes and items, once she woke up, so she would be comfortable in her favorite things.
Another large door opened for them, and they stepped into the vast two and a half story gothic library.
"What is this?" She stared at the rows and rows of shelves, on our floor, but also on the gallery of the first floor.
"This is what books look like, in my time." Morpheus grabbed a random book and opened the The Little Prince in the middle, to show her.
"Oh. What language is this?"
"It is French."
Her fingers brushed across the illustration of the little prince's fluttering scarf and spiked hair. "He looks a lot like you, in a way. You are also always fluttering in the wind..." she whispered. "What does it say?"
Morpheus traced the line he translated for her from the book. "'What does that mean - 'tame'?' 'It is an act too often neglected,' said the fox, 'it means to establish ties.'"
"Beautiful..." Calliope said, while he put the book back. "True, taming and wooing are very alike."
A shiver ran across his skin. Had they already established ties?
"Let me show you my throne room."
Morpheus walked ahead, past the vast reading area, and stopped in front of the two tall gothic window doors to his throne room, spread his arms and willed them open.
They stepped into the large gothic cathedral, that was his throne room. She gasped at the winding stairs that led up to the marble seat, ornamented by his sigil, the helm. "This is fit for a god!" she gasped.
Morpheus had to smile again. "I am much older than those." Maybe this would keep her from wanting him.
Her face fell slack and he regretted spooking her. "Come," He offered her his hand, and led her up the stairs, "I have one last wondrous thing to show you."
This time, the warmth crept from his hand across his arm, over his shoulder and spread across his chest, touching his heart in the process.


His warm hand in hers, he led her to his gothic throne.
"Close your eyes, sweet Calliope."
Calliope obeyed, and followed the gentle lead of his hand, pulling her down to sit on the cold marble stone, with him kneeling beside the throne.
"Now look up." His deep voice whispered near her ear, sending langurous shivers over her skin.
Above them, where the ceiling should have been, was the night sky, visible between the empty carcass of the building's roof. It was vast, showing stars and planets and as deep as the universe in his endless eyes.
"This is so incredibly beautiful..." she was barely able to whisper at this breathtaking sight. "It's all there! All the constellations Urania used to show me. Look!" she pointed at the stars. "Orion, so tragically killed by the one he loved, forever embedded in the night sky."
His arm reached around her and pointed at another constellation. "See, the centaur Cheiron, an image of the wisest of his kind. He taught his son Asklepios the wisdom of healing." His breath brushed her cheek and she resisted the urge to wrap herself in his surrounding arms. Instead, Calliope looked into his eyes. There they were: wounded Orion and healing Cheiron. Their breaths mingled, his lush lips so close to hers, their eyes holding each other.
"You will wake up soon..." He whispered hoarsely.
Calliope wanted to kiss him so badly, her entire body ached for him. "I don't want to wake up," she breathed.
He lifted his head, oh so slowly and brushed a soft kiss to her forehead. "Wake up, sweet Calliope. It is for the best."
Calliope exhaled, and opened her heavy lidded eyes.

(If you are curious how Calliope reacts to the modern amenities in Morpheus' castle, vote for this chapter and read the next one.)

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