Chapter 19

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Before Callipe could finish this important sentence, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his warming chest, his coat now as wide as the sky, billowing around them, so she could not see, rushing, like wings, lifting, then depositing.
They were back in her bedroom, her host standing before her, in the golden flickering light of the fire place, his eyes deep in hers.
To keep herself from touching his face, she clasped her hands.
"Yes." Calliope said softly. "I would like a night of utter bliss, Lord Oneiros."
He looked into her eyes, his gaze searching.
"Right now, my heart is filled with you and only you. I can not promise..."
"Calliope," his hand touched her face, his voice raw, "you must promise me to find a way to become a muse."
Maybe. There were eight other muses who were surely much better at this, than she was. "I promise to search for a way to become a muse." ...without betraying her heart. And until then, she would try to prove him, that he was a good person. That one could learn from ones mistakes, even those, he had made with Nada.
"That is good enough." He pulled her towards him, into a greedy kiss, his lips tasting of wine. This kiss was not as gentle as before, but more desperate and carnal, a kiss that proved her how much he wanted her. A promise wanting to be fulfilled.
Calliope wrapped her arms around his long neck and pulled his slender body towards hers, showing him how much she, too, needed him.
She could feel the corners of his mouth curl upward, until they had to break the kiss.
"Seems you feel better then, my sweet, little muse." His eyes shone, as he smiled at her.
Calliope kept her arms high up around his neck and savored the sight. "I love it when you smile, Oneiros. It is so rare, outside of my dreams."
He smiled a little more. "Seems, it had not been necessary for a long time. I get accustomed to it, since you make me smile so much."
"Don't ever stop." She pulled him down to her, so that she could rest her forehead against his brow, breathing in his wonderful scent, wanting to remember every second of this night, store it, so she could pull out the memory later.
She moved closer to him, pressing her body against his lean but muscular form. "You're trembling..." Calliope whispered.
He nodded against her brow. "My body is... it's quite a lot to take. You are so beautiful and I am not used to be so corporeal."
She kissed him, again, to free him of having to explain himself any further. Calliope, too was trembling, but knew that she wanted everything this would entail. She knew, from the stories the women at the stream shared, when no man was around, that love-making was rumored to be only for the man to enjoy. This would be her gift to the Endless, she loved.


Morpheus could not hold back anymore. He needed to feel her against his skin. He took her onto his arms, her warmth pressed against his chest, and carried her over to the large black bed with the satin sheet. She clung to him, spreading patches of warmth around his body, until he gently placed her lush body onto the soft sheet.

"Promise to speak to me, Calliope, if you do not like what I do, or if it hurts, or if it just feels uncomfortable." He could barely control his voice as it was. But he was ready to suffer this darned body's demands for her sake, bear through the needy pain of not fulfilling himself. This was about her. And only her. Thankfully, he had now a rough idea, on how to make this a pleasurable event for his sweet muse.

Her arms still around his neck she smiled at him. "Do not worry about me, Oneiros," she whispered.

Morpheus shook his head, and gently unclasped her hands from his neck. Still holding her hands in his, he sat up, getting the distance, that was necessary to get his point across. "I need you to promise me. This night is for your bliss. I need to know, if I am doing it right."

Her lips parted, and she stared at him. "I was told that-"

"Those people are fools," he growled, "I know that women can have bliss too. That is the purpose of the dream, I want to create. Inspire a balance of bliss. I need to know how to give that!"

A blush crept, along with a smile, across her face. "Then I will gladly tell you how I feel, my Love."

Morpheus' heart exploded at the words she should not say to him. This was not the time to deny her these feelings. This was for her, a way to make up for the pain, that he would have to cause her, when he had to protect her from himself.

(Finally! But at what cost? Please vote for theis chapter and read on, tomorrow. A discovery in the library lies ahead!)

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