Epilogue Pt. 2

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This was it! The ritual cleansing, right before Calliope was about to be inaugurated as a muse.
Her heart beat loudly in her chest, as she walked towards Polihymnia, who stood to her waist, fully clothed, veil and all, in the holy waters of the temple bath.
Calliope stopped at the steps into the sacred pool, and inhaled. Finally! This was the private part of the ceremony, before the public one. She was so excited and curious how it was going to be. She had never witnessed a muse's inauguration.
Calliope forced her gaze onto Poli's veiled face.
"Are you willing to forsake your mortality for the sake of humankind?"
Goosebumps rose on her skin. This was the first time she had heard Poli speak out loudly.
She swallowed. "Yes, I am ready."
"Then you may enter the sacred bath."
She lifted her chin and took her first step into the sacred waters.
Water splashed to her left, but Calliope forced herself to focus on Polihymnia and walked on, until she stood, equally up to her waist, in the shallow pool right before her sister.
"Are you willing to inspire and create, only to advance culture, education and research, truth, peace and happiness?"
"I am willing." Calliope said solemnly.
Oh my gods! This was it! Now, after the final question, for which answer she had worked so hard, she would finally become a muse!
Polihymnia lifted her hand and laid it on top of her crown. "Then you may immerse yourself in the sacred waters."
"What?" Poli was surely missing part of the ceremony. "Won't you ask me the final question?"
Polihymnia tilted her head to the side and looked at Calliope.
Calliope blushed. She could not say that out loudly, could she?
"Fuck!" Behind her, someone giggled. "She expects you to ask the sex-question."
The what? She turned, to see the girl with the ankh necklace splash one foot in the sacred pool.
"Who are you?"
"Aach, don't mind me." The girl pushed a black curl behind her ear to reveal an ankh earring. "I require to be present - ancient ritual and all. Just to make sure I keep my hands off of you, you know?"
No, Calliope did not know. "Why do you know all this?"
"Poli won't ask you, because you are the muse of epic poetry. There is no need to ask you, of all beings, if you can read and write, Silly."
Calliope turned back to Polihymnia, who smiled softly and lifted her arm again. "You may now immerse yourself into the sacred waters. Then you will emerge immortal."
That was her sister. No explanations. Just the ceremony.
Calliope let Polihymnia gently push herself under water, her hand holding her brow, inhaling, water submerging her, her eyes closed, a universe being born inside her chest, and another hatching in her belly. Her heart expanded, and the pressure of Poli's hand vanished.
Calliope rose out of the water and opened her eyes, inhaling.
"Greetings, Muse of epic poetry." Poli said, with a benign smile.
"Awesome." The girl behind me stated. "Can we now get to the surprise part?"


Poli and the girl with the ankh-necklace had helped Calliope getting dressed. Ankh-girl had introduced herself as Teleute and explained, that she was Oneiros' sister. She had seemed very giddy, and keen on getting her out of the bath, for the procession to the inauguration.
When they emerged from the sacred baths, Calliope's sisters, mother and people from the town waited, cheering and throwing flower petals. The most important being waited hidden in the shadows, under the temple columns, dressed in a black himation. Nobody seemed to notice him. For Calliope, he was omnipresent.
"Dear Muse Calliope," Erato said solemnly, so that everybody could hear. "I have the honor of guiding you to your future domain."
Calliope furrowed her brow and looked at their mom. Mnemosyne beamed and gestured for her to follow Erato. Everything seemed to be okay, then.
She lifted her chin, and walked with Erato, towards the heavy doors of her audience chamber. Clenching her fists, to distract herself from the sharp memory of the last time she had been there.
Erato stopped at the door and turned to the crowd.
"Dear guests. I thank you with all my heart, that you all helped to make this possible." Erato inhaled. "We also thank unforgotten Epithymios, may he rest in peace, for his rich donation to the temple."
What was all this about?
"I thank Acheloos, Palladius, Idios and Marcos for the great craftsmanship, and all the others for the initial donations. Spread the word. My future payment for inspiration of all sorts will be a copy of one scroll from the library of Alexandria."
Everybody applauded. "Dear sister Muse. Not a goddess yet, you lack your own temple."
True, but it had never occurred to her before.
"Since my temple is the biggest one, and I owe you, dear Sister, for almost ruining your life. I split it with you. My new chambers are in the back of the temple, where supplicants can walk with more privacy. Your entrance is now here." Erato took a step aside and Calliope stood before the door, fingers trembling.
"Open it! It is all yours!" Erato whispered to her.

(Oh, but there will be a part three, just for the symmetry. Please vote and see you tomorrow!)

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