Chapter 31

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The steps to Erato's bed-throne had vanished, leaving Calliope's unconscious lover slumped at her feet.
"Onerios..." she bent towards him, sending bolts of pain through her crushed ribs. Calliope would not be able to carry him to a place where he could rest and heal.
"May we help you?" The nightdreams stepped out of the violet shadows of Oneiros' gleaming throne room, painted rose-gold by the rising sun of his realm.
She let out a relieved breath. "Please, could you help me carry your master to the bedroom?" She pointed to the wall to her left, where her bedroom had been.
The male dream knelt and bowed. "I am Adamu. And this," He pointed at the female Dream, "this is Hava."
She knelt too. "At your service."
"Thank you so much." Calliope rose slowly, while Adamu hoisted unconscious Oneiros onto his arms. She could barely stand, with the pain in her ribs and the burning ache, Desire's curse forced onto her body.
"Come," Hava offered her arm, which Calliope gladly took. "Let us take care of you two. We'll make sure you will rest in peace and won't be bothered by other dreams."
Calliope nodded gratefully and Hava and her followed the others to the left wall, where the door to the bedroom appeared.
Adamu gently placed Oneiros on the bed, bowed, and took a step back. "We will be back, when you are ready to sleep."
Then they retreated outside the room.
Calliope knelt at the foot of th bed, and fumbled, until she had removed Oneiros' boots. Then she covered his still form with a blanket.
Too tired and bruised to clean herself up, she got rid of her sandals, rings and jewelry. Then she crawled onto the bed, to rest herself beside him, head propped up on one arm.
He was so pale and still. But his breath let a strand of his raven black hair quiver.
Calliope indulged in brushing it aside, relishing the touch of his warming skin, under her hand. The touch eased the burning deep inside her, but made her also long for a kiss.
She could not ask for his permission, so she pulled back, and indulged in just looking.
Her head grew heavy and she relaxed into a cushion. As her eyes drooped slowly, the image of the golden fire light across his cheekbones burnt itself into her soul.
Outside, two nightdreams embraced and made sure, an Endless and his guest had a deep sleep and uneventful dreams.


Skoni love long walk with Cienne!
Alll- the-wayy to horn-gate. No pee there!
"Skoni! Heel."
Run! Cienne always heel.
"There is something strange going on here... let's see."
Cienne open gate?! Cienne never open gate!
"Well, who might you be, beautiful creature?"
Crea-ta neigh. 'Litos?
No. Dis purple.
"You want to come in? Yes? Come, let's find you some water in the stables, shall we? Lord Morpheus and his guest may know you."
Purple crea-ta neigh.
I greet. Love all fly-horse!


When Calliope woke, her body was wonderfully numb. she opened her eyes and looked into a universe of starry eyes, its holder propped on one arm, looking at her, a strand of black hair caressing his fire-lit cheek.
"Oneiros!" Her hand touched his face before she could help it. "How are you?"
"Good morning Calliope." He smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I could restore my strength form being in my own realm." He kissed her brow.
Just this minimum touch made Caliope's body burn with wantonness again, eliciting an unfitting moan.
"I am so sorry." His hand still touched her cheek, but she could see her pain reflected in his eyes. "How is your body feeling today?"
"I uh..." her body burned, but otherwise the pain in her ribs had subsided. " ribs are better."
"Good." He nodded. "You have the rare ability of lucid being."
"What is that?"
"It means that when you are in my realm, you are truly there. You also use the healing qualities of dreams to restore your body."
Calliope nodded. "Why am I still burning up?"
Dream nodded. "Because the curse is one, my sibling inflicted on your soul."
"Someone knocked at the door. "Lord Morpheus?"
"Yes, Lucienne?"
"We have guests."
Oneiros sat up and offered Calliope his hand. "Come. We must greet your family."

(Are you guys ready for the first part of the finale? Then vote and come back tomorrow, for some serious talk.)

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