Author's Note

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Hey guys! So this is the first fanfic I’ve written so just take it easy on me. :P Haha. Sorry if it’s written badly or anything. Like I said, it’s my first time to write. Anyway this may seem like a typical love story between a guy and a girl but I swear it will get better! More drama etc, haha. I just want you to know that I’ve changed a lot with this fanfic. Like, the BYE guys are still in school or they have a different tour or anything. Besides, sometimes it’s fun to change it up a bit, right? So just wait for the next chapters! I promise to update soon. :D BTW THIS IS NOT PG-13! I can't change it :| (and idk how lol) I accidentaly clicked the PG-13 thing and I can't change it anymore :( Let me just tell you that this fanfic has a pretty slow start. But the there will be more drama in the suceeding chapters. Just wait for them :) And oh, I write looooong chapters ;) Like, 4-5 (or more) pages per chapter :D

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