Chapter 16

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I present to you, the final chapter of "Fight For Love" Check out the sequel entitled "It Will Never Be The Same Again" the other events will be posted there ;) Thanks for reading! (ps, sorry for the errors again i haven't checked this yet) 

I returned back to our house at around 6pm because the Connor received a text from their parents that they’ll be coming home in a few minutes. And of course, Connor and I don’t want to have the same event that happened last night, to happen again tonight. So we just said our goodbyes and l promised them I’ll be with them tomorrow morning, before they really head out of Orlando.

Tayler is sleeping over at my house tonight, so that we can be together tomorrow as we say our goodbyes to the boys. We watched a movie together with my brother as we let time pass before we go to bed.

“I know you’re scared.” Tayler said, and at that time I found myself just staring at the purple walls of my room. Coincidence? This is also what I did the night before we leave the Philippines. The night where I have my two best friends with me, convincing me that my life here will be a fresh start.

And now, I’m doing the same thing. I’m staring blankly to the purple side of my room as I listen to Tayler. I know she’ll just tell positive things for me not to think about the negative ones regarding Connor’s departure from Orlando.

I shook my head as I sit straight in my bed, and have my knees close to my chest. I just flashed her a smile.

She walked from my desk chair and she took a seat next to me on my bed. She held one of my knees with one hand as she looks straight to my eyes. “I had the same feeling the first time Braiden left me for tour.” She said, and this made me look up to her.

“How did you handle it?” I asked.

She just smiled as if she remembered exactly that night, the night she’s been dreading to happen. The night just like this night. “Believe me, I didn’t handle it very well. I cried myself to sleep that night. Because I keep on thinking that he’ll meet girls around the country, girls that may just be better than me.” She said, pausing as she also placed her knees close to her chest and she hugged them immediately. “But you know what? That never happened. Braiden stayed the same, we skype every time and he even calls me before shows.” She said.

I closed my eyes as if to hold in all the emotions I have right now. “I want to say that I hope Connor will also be like Braiden, but a part of me seriously feels like he’s going to change in this tour.” I said, biting my lip after I talked.

“Mia.” Tayler said with her soft voice. “Connor’s a great guy, I’ve witnessed them go on tours already and he didn’t change one bit. What makes you think he’ll change during this tour?” She asked.

“Same reason you had the first time. Because of the girls. Because I completely know that there are a lot of girls that are better than me. Prettier, Thinner or what. I know he’ll meet one of those girls and I’m just afraid of that, I’m afraid of-“ I paused to take a deep sigh. “I’m afraid of losing the first guy I loved this much. I love him, Tayler. I love him so much that if I can come with him, I will because I’m just afraid I’ll lose him once he’s gone.” I said, with my crooked voice.

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