Chapter 7

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I didn't really focus that much during French class because I kept on thinking about Connor. Honestly when Kristin told me that she'll make my life miserable if I keep on hanging out with him, I became a bit terrified. But who could blame me? I'm new here and I'm afraid of being judged by other people. Hopefully Kristin is not so serious with what she said. But who knows, right? 

The bell for the end of my French class rang and I didn't really understand anything that much. I think the teacher taught us simple words, but not anything stayed on my mind. I placed all of my things on my bag and head straight out.

I was shocked when someone grabbed me by the elbow so I stepped back. "Hey." It was just Alex.

I sighed. "Hey, what's up?" I asked, fixing my backpack because it almost fell from my shoulder when Alex surprised me.

He stared at me for at least 3 seconds as if it's the first time he saw me again after how many years. "Why did you ditch chem?" He asked, and I motioned to walk towards my locker so he just followed me.

I didn't reply. "Mia? Are you okay?" he asked again.

I turned my face towards him and smiled. "Yeah, just need some time alone. You know, so I can think about some stuff. Sorry." I said. We reached my locker now so I just turned my head away from him.

"It's fine, I just want to make sure nothing bad happened to you. Anyway, what's been going on through your mind? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I placed some of my books in my locker and I just grabbed my music notebook. I closed my locker before responding to him. "I'll tell you next time. Hey, I have to go. Class at 2:30. See you around." I said, and then I walked away from him. I heard him say bye and I just turned around so I can wave at him.

I don't know why, but I don't feel comfortable talking to Alex about Connor. I'm actually more comfortable with Braiden even if he's practically best friends with him. I don't really get why.

I rush to the music room which is located on the first floor. When I looked at my watch it's already 2:24am. Ugh, I should really learn to move fast especially if I only have a few minutes to get to and from my next class. When I reached the music room I opened the door immediately and looked around. The first one I saw is a girl who also belongs to my french class. She smiled at me so I smiled back. When I closed the door and turned around, I saw Ana. And there's an empty seat beside her. So I didn't hesitate anymore and I rushed towards it.

"How are you?" She asked, as I place my backpack on the floor.

"Great." I replied, sarcastic of course.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right." She said.

Just when I was about to say something to her, Kristin walked in to the room. "Ugh." She scoffed the second she flashed her eyes at me. She looks empty or incomplete without her back up clan though, maybe because they have a different class.

"Just ignore her." Ana said and I immediately flashed my attention to her, as I see Kristin take a seat in front.

I sighed. "Anyway, Connor will be picking me up after this class." I said, as I play with my pen.

"That's great, have you talked to him already?" Ana asked.

"Not yet, but I talked to one of his best friends earlier. And he said that Connor doesn't even like Kristin. And that-" I stopped as I saw Kristin staring at me while she's playing with her hair.

I rolled my eyes again. "What?" Ana asked.

"That, I'm the one he likes." I said, almost whispering.

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