Chapter 3

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(Back to Mia’s POV)

*riiiiiing, riiiiiiiing*

My alarm clock kept on ringing until I pushed it to stop. I checked what time it is and it's already 8:45am. My first class at my new school, Edgewater High School will begin at 10. My mom said that my school is just a few kilometer distance away from our house, so I didn't bother to wake up too early. I immediately went to the shower to take a bath. I changed into my black pants, turquoise tank top, my black vans and my gray beanie. I also decided to bring with me my gray cardigan jacket in case the weather will be cold today. I smiled again once I saw Connor's jacket lying on my bed. Then I forgot, I have to give it to him before I go to school.

Before I leave my room I fixed my stuff, and brushed my teeth. I'm not a breakfast person so I just decided to bring with me a slice of the red velvet cake Connor’s family gave us just in case I get hungry before class. I checked my phone and there's a text message from Connor. I manage to let out a slight smile.

Hey, Mia. It's fine. You can just give it back after your school. Besides, I have to leave early tomorrow. Have fun on your first day of school! Good luck and I really hope I can see you soon.

I didn’t notice that he sent me the next a few minutes after I decide to sleep last night. Anyway, I can't hide that I'm somehow blushing with the way he texted me. I can somehow feel that we want to see each other soon. My mom called me from the car. She’s ready to go to the school with me. My mom will be with me today because we still have to fix some things with the principal of my new school. Ugh, I hate these kinds of things. But oh well.

We arrived in school at 9:30 am. Traffic. As I walk down along the corridors to go to the Principal's office together with my mom, all the other kids kept on looking at me. I hate this feeling so I just looked down as we reach the office.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Javier?" The Principal, who is I think at her early 40's asked when we entered. "You must be Mia, from the Philippines." she added, standing up and shaking my mom and my hands.

I just nodded in reply as she guided both of us to sit at the chairs in front of her table. As I sit down I saw a folder with a label that says, Transcripts of Ms. Mia Javier. Oh.

"So, Mia. You're a consistent honor student back in your country, eh?" she said, as she places her reading glasses on and she opened my transcript folder. "You’re also a member of the Volleyball Varsity Team for 2 years, a part of a band and a talented musician. Wow, you will really be a great asset to our school." She added, closing the folder and removing her glasses. Part of a band and a talented musician. Where did she get those words from? I know I didn’t put that in any of my forms. Maybe my principal in my previous school was the one who placed that. Besides, she watched our band perform multiple times before.

My mom and I just looked at each other and smiled because we really don't know what to say. After a few seconds I heard an electric bell.

"Here's your class schedule." The principal handed a white paper with color coding.

I smiled and looked at it immediately. "Thanks."

"Since today is Thursday, your first class will be Chemistry. Room 214. Your teacher will be Ms. Sanders. Just give her your class card attached to your class schedule and she'll give you your books and other needed materials for her class." She said, standing up.

My mom and I also stood up and gave her thanks. We went out of the office and I was a bit shocked that the halls are clear. I mean, the students really follow the rules that once you heard the bell, you should go to class immediately. Before I go to my class my mom said that she'll be picking me up at 4, but I told her I'll just go home by myself, so I can familiarize myself with the place more. Besides starting tomorrow, I’ll be going to school all alone. She agreed.

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