Chapter 8

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*1 month later*


I woke up a little bit too early. It’s just 6:10am, and first period is at 8:30am. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I can’t sleep anymore. I kept on tossing and turning around my bed but nothing happened. After a few more tries, I figured that nothing will happen anyway, so I just decided to get up and take a bath. I immediately changed into my casual clothes the moment I’m finished with my bath. It’s just 7:05, and Connor told me he’ll be picking me up by 8. Like I said before I’m not a breakfast person so I just decided to skip again and just go online.

It’s Friday, the last day before our sem break. I’m really stoked for this break because I don’t have to think about school and I can just hang out with the guys all the time. I don’t know what to expect though, all I know is that I’ll have such a great time with them. I always do. I have nothing to do right now, so I just went to Tumblr and checked on some new updates from different bands that I like, mostly All Time Low and The Summer Set. I missed doing this. Whenever I have free time, I always go on Tumblr to reblog and post about my daily activities. But since I moved here, which is almost 2 months now, I haven’t gone online because I’m always busy, or I’m always out with the guys.

Connor and I are still the same; we always hang out, go to and from school together and have those weekly hang outs with the guys. I don’t know if we’re already dating, though because I don’t know if we even went on an actual date yet. He hasn’t asked me, so I guess we haven’t yet. But we always go out together, like the two of us only. I don’t know if that’s considered a date though. But believe me or not, I’ve been waiting for him to. I mean, we’re hanging out almost all the time. I just don’t know if he really likes me the way I like him.

I continued to reblog band things for a few minutes more. And just when I was about to log out since it’s already 7:45am on my clock, something suddenly appeared on my dashboard.

Action Packed Tour: With Action Item, Paradise Fears, and Before You Exit.

Tour starts on October 27th


October 27, just a few days from now. 6 days, to be exact. How can this be?! I was really surprised by this because the guys didn’t even tell me even just one detail about this tour. I’m happy for them, really, I am. But I just can’t hide the fact that I’m angry at them for not even telling me about this. When are they planning to tell me? A day before they leave? Now, I’m really pissed, nervous and worried at the same time. They are basically my 2nd family here. They’re my only friends, they’re the ones who I spend most of my time with. I can even say that I hang out with them more than I do with my family. So how come they didn’t bother to tell me? Now I’m really anxious to see Connor today and ask him all about it.

I clicked the poster for it to enlarge, and I saw more clearly the tour dates and destinations. It said that the last show date is November 20. Another thought came into my mind, I won’t be spending Connor’s birthday with him. Believe me, I’m kind of planning about it already, since I want it to be special. I checked the tour destination and it says that they’ll be in Miami, Florida the day or Connor’s birthday. Maybe I can ask my brother to drive me there just so I can be there for him. I don’t know, I just have to make things clear with this tour before I plan on doing anything.

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