Chapter 2

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes as I stand up to look outside my window. I have a great view of our street, and it seems pretty quiet with a few lamp posts hitting the road with its light. I took a deep breath as I remember that I am now in a new place. I told myself that I will try my best to be positive about this because after all, I don’t really have a choice. It’s not like I can run away and come back to the Philippines all by myself.

I grabbed my luggage and I start unpacking by placing my clothes inside my small walk in closet. Kim, who is my older cousin who used to stay here before, has a pretty big room. But not bigger than the one I had back in our house in the Philippines. The reason why I had a bigger room before is because I have a lot of stuff. I mean, even if I don’t really use all of them, I’d still prefer to keep them. When I finished fixing everything, I checked my phone and it’s 7:45pm, Florida time. Wow, I must’ve slept all afternoon. I grabbed my white shorts and purple tank top before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. My stomach is growling since I haven’t eaten since lunch, but I decided to just take a bath first before going downstairs.

When I went down I immediately saw my brother, Om just watching TV in the living room. I went to the kitchen and see my mom busy fixing the things inside the cabinets.

“Oh. Hey, Mia. Here, it’s for you.” My mom said as she pushes a plate with a slice of pizza on it. Sometimes my mom is too lazy to cook, so she just order stuff and have them delivered. But I guess this time she’s not really lazy, she’s just busy fixing the things in the house.

“Where’s dad?” I asked, after taking a bite of the pepperoni pizza my mom just gave me.

My mom is now placing plates and other utensils inside a cabinet and I just watch her as I continue eating. “He’s out. I asked him to buy some things for me for the house.” She said, without even looking at me.

I finished my pizza just a few minutes after. I’m really hungry, and I still am. I don’t know but I think there’s something wrong with myself. No matter how many times I eat a lot, I don’t get fat. I mean, I don’t even manage to gain at least 3 pounds. Oh well. Then I notice something that is placed along our dining table. A plate with an aluminum cover on top.

“What’s this?” I asked, as I walk towards the table.

My mom turned and smiled. “That’s a red velvet cake our neighbor the McDonoughs gave us earlier.” She said, as she wipes the counter top near the sink. “I know it’s your favorite.” She added, as she hand me a small plate, a small knife, and a fork.

“Thanks!” I shouted happily.

“Mia, can I ask for a favor?” My mom said just when I was about to slice the cake.

I looked at her. “What is it?” I asked, as I place the knife down the table.

She walked towards the refrigerator and opened it. “Can you give this to the McDonoughs tonight? Just to say thank you for the cake they have given us.” She said, as she places a box of Flourless Chocolate Cake in front of me. My mom’s very special recipe.

“But why me?” I asked, placing the fork down as well.

She gave me a smile. “Because we already met them earlier except for you. Come on, Mia.” She said.

I took a really deep sigh in front of her. I don’t like these things. I mean, meeting a couple of people all by myself. I swear I don’t do well with this because sometimes I consider myself as socially awkward, especially towards meeting new people. I can say that I’m just fun to be with once I already know the people whom I’m with and once I already feel comfortable towards them. “Fine. I’ll go now.” I said, so I can just get things over with. I grabbed the box and walk straight out the front door.

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