Chapter 1

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You know the feeling of being alone? Like everyone is just against your opinions and ideas? Yeah, that’s what I’m currently feeling. I can’t believe my parents are forcing me to move from our beautiful home here in the Philippines, to the busy streets of Orlando, Florida. New country, new friends, new culture etc. My friends keep on telling me to think positive and to just think that this will be a new life for me. But I can’t afford to think the same. What about my friends and other relatives that I’ll be leaving here?  Ugh. I just don’t know how my life will be like once I move to the United States.

We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning, which means I only have at least 12 hours to enjoy my life here. Last day in my room, last day in our house and last day with 2 of my closest friends who are sleeping over tonight so I can spend my last few hours in the Philippines with them.

“Mia.” A voice from my right said. “Mia.” She repeated, and then I realize that I’m just staring blankly at the purple side of my room.

I shook my head. “What?” turning my seat now so I can face my two friends.

Bianca sighed. “What is up with you? Come on, I know you’re bummed and all about moving to Florida tomorrow. But can you just light up a bit? I mean enjoy yourself with us while you still can!” she said, as she places her phone down at my study table.

“She’s right, Mia. I guarantee that you’ll be missing us when you’re already in Florida.” My other friend Ciara said.

Bianca, Ciara and I have been friends since we’re in freshman year. If I will continue my studies here in the Philippines, I will already be in my senior year by next school year. This is pretty annoying, since when I continue my studies in Florida I’d have to repeat my junior year there. It’s like, I wasted a whole school year here in the Philippines then I’m just going to repeat it again.

We spent our night just watching movies as I try not to think about what will happen tomorrow. As much as I want to stay here, I just can’t since I can’t manage being away from my family.

It’s already 12:30 here in the Philippines, and our flight tomorrow will be at 8am. This means we have to leave home by 5am since it’s a protocol in the airport to check in to your flight at least 2 hours before boarding time.

Insomnia. I don’t really know if it’s insomnia or anxiety. I’m just too worried of what my life will be like starting tomorrow. I wonder who my new friends will be, if ever I’ll have one. I just hope that everything will turn out alright.


“Don’t forget about us, okay!” Bianca and Ciara said in unison as I was placing my luggage on one of the airport carts.

I gave them a really tight hug when I finished preparing my things for our flight. “I won’t. I love you guys, a lot.” I said, kissing them both on the cheek. Tears started to form in my eyes as I pull away.

My brother gave me a pat on the shoulder which is a sign that we have to go. I gave them a final wave as I enter the airport.

We sat at the waiting area the moment we finish everything before we can board the plane. It’s already 6:50am, an hour and 10 minutes before our actual boarding time. I just played with my phone, trying to forget about what might happen when I start living my life in Florida.

“Everything will be alright.” My mom sad as she fix my bangs that are currently blocking my face. I just replied with a light smile. Part of me is still mad at her for making me come with them to Florida, but I really have no choice anymore. I just have to embrace this change and hopefully it’s for the best.


We arrived in Orlando 9:45pm in my phone. But it’s very sunny here, and then I realized the time difference which is 13 hours from Philippine time. Meaning, it’s just 8:45am here. So I adjusted the clock in my phone immediately, the first step of the change in my life.

My mom and dad did all the work in the immigration at the airport so my brother and I can just sit and rest for awhile. After minutes of waiting, my parents already arrived with our luggages that are placed on airport carts.

After at least 30 minutes of driving around Florida, we finally arrived in our new home. I must admit, it’s really beautiful here. Cool breeze, warm heat from the sun and beautiful surroundings. The house where we’ll be moving is where my Aunt Grace used to stay, but now she’s already in Seattle with my uncle and two cousins. She just gave us this entire house to our family and we’re very thankful of her.

I let out a sigh as I exit the cab and look around our neighborhood before going inside the house. Our neighborhood is really peaceful. As I look pass the other houses, I noticed a group of boys looking at our direction. I stared at them a bit, and then looked away immediately. Their house is just across ours, so maybe they’re just curious on who their new neighbors are. Anyway after a few seconds, I grabbed my luggage and entered the house.

The house is pretty big. On the center of the house you’ll find the living room, which are just a few feet away from the front door. As you walk further you’ll find the kitchen and dining area on the right side, while you can find staircase on the left. After a few minutes of walking around, I finally decided to walk up and check my room. It’s not that much, but it’s already enough for me. I’m happy the walls are also painted in purple, just like the ones I had in my room back in the Philippines. Everything is also colored purple, including the sheets of the bed, the chair below the study table, a bean bag, and my mini sofa which is just beside my bed.

After looking around my new room and checking on the little things that used to belong to my cousin, I just laid down on my bed.

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