Chapter 14

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“Oh my gosh, Braiden! That is so fetch!” Thomas said with the girliest tone he can ever come up with, just after we finished watching Mean Girls. We all bursted out laughing, including me. Yes, I manage to laugh all the sadness away thanks to these guys.

“Stop making, fetch happen, Thomas! It’s not going to happen.” Braiden said with his sassiest voice this time. God, these guys are hilarious.

“Okay, stop with the foolishness and let’s go grab something to eat!” Riley said, standing up from the couch now. We all stood up as well and followed him to their kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Mcdonough left the house just a few minutes after dinner since they said they have an important meeting outside of the city. Meaning, they won’t be home until tomorrow evening. They left when Connor and I are outside, so I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to them.

“Hmmm.” We heard Riley as he browse through different cabinets. “Nothing.” He said, facing us with a sad face now.

“Awww, baby Riley has nothing to eat.” Braiden joked, as he pinched Riley’s cheeks. We all just laughed.

“Let’s just order pizza!” Thomas suggested then he immediately grabbed his phone from his pocket. “What do you guys want?” He asked when he finished punching the number in.

“Cheese!” I said with so much excitement. What, it’s my favorite.

Thomas smiled. “And?” He asked. We’re 7 in the house so 1 box won’t be enough.

“Pepperoni?” Toby asked, as he looks at each one of us.

“Fine with me!” Braiden responded.

“Us too!” Riley, Tayler and I said in unison.

It’s already been almost 3 hours and Connor hasn’t come down yet. Maybe he’s asleep. But what if he’s not? What is he thinking about… all I know is one thing, or at least one person.

“I have a great idea!” Riley shouted when all of us are back on the living room now.  We’re just watching a random episode of American Idol.

We all looked at him with curious looks. “What?” Thomas asked.

“What if we have a sleepover? House party all night, yes?” Riley asked, as he looks at each one of us with such excitement in his voice and expression. 

Tayler and I looked at each other while the other guys are just fist bumping in the air. “I don’t have clothes, guys.” Tayler said, which broke the guys’ excitement.

“You can borrow from Mia! Is that alright?” Braiden asked as he looks at me, then back at Tayler again.

I smiled. “Yeah, definitely!” I suggested. It’s a great idea to have a sleepover or house party tonight with all of us. This may also serve as our final party with them, you know, before they leave for tour the day after tomorrow.

“Great, thanks!” Tayler said, and I immediately felt all excited.

“Come on, let’s go get some stuff from the house.” I said as I stood up. Tayler followed me and we both walked together to the front door. “We’ll be back!” I shouted, just when we’re about to exit.

Tayler and I walked really fast to our house because we’re just so excited about tonight. I noticed my parents’ car is parked in front already, so they must be home.

We went straight in and I found my brother and my dad just sitting in the living room, watching the same show we’re watching back at the McDonough’s, American Idol.

“Hey, dad!” I said, walking towards them to give my dad a hug.

“Good, you’re home.” My dad said, barely removing his eyes from the screen.

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