Chapter 10

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Author's Note: This is really a long chapter since it contains "The Date" okay ;) 

We finished recording all three songs at 6:57pm on my watch. We decided to just continue recording the rest of the songs tomorrow because clearly we can't finish everything tonight. Plus, I have to be home by 7pm. 3 minutes remaining, how the heck will I reach home in 3 minutes? I know I can't do this, so I just sent Connor a text saying that I'm just about to leave Ana's place and it might take me at least 15 minutes to reach home.

He replied minutes after saying it's fine, and I should just text him when I'm already home. We prepeared ourselves before leaving the studio, as we fix all our stuff and say our goodbyes to Mike. He said we all did great today and he's stoked for the rest of our recording. We went out immediately, and I notice the guys moving fast as well, keeping up with my pace. They know I have a date with Connor tonight, and I can tell that they don't want me to be late.

"I just want to say how proud I am with what we did today." Riley said as we drove off the studio.

We all managed to clap for ourselves, with laughs of course. "It's so fun working with you guys." I said.

"How did you feel recording for the first time?" Riley asked as I saw Thomas look at me from the rear view mirror.

I paused for a while before talking. "Well, actually-" I was cut off by the ringing of Riley's phone which is just placed in between us. Their song "End of The World" played as his ring tone. I actually did some research about them when I met them all, and I bought all their songs on iTunes and began listening to them immediately. That's why I know that his ring tone is one of their original songs.

Honestly, I was about to admit to them the part of me they don't know yet, the somehow experienced musician side of me. I was about to tell them that this thing is not new to me anymore, because I used to do this with my former band. But I guess tonight's not the right time because I was cut off by Riley's phone.

He looked at who's calling first before he picked it up. I think I actually saw Connor's picture in the thumbnail while Riley's ring tone is playing. So I guess it must be him.

"Shoot. It's Connor. I'll tell him you guys picked me up, okay? As for you, Mia, well don't talk." He said, and I just shook my head and giggled.

After a few seconds, Riley picked up. "Sup, Connie." He said, and I smiled with the way he said Connie. Riley pressed the loudspeaker button so we could all hear Connor.

"Where are you?" Connor asked, and ugh I just missed his voice. Well, I mean I missed hearing his voice. Even if it's just in a phone call. Gosh, I'm so anxious of how our date will turn out. No screw ups, please. I want everything to be perfect. But honestly, that's when I totally mess up. When I know that I have to be perfect, I tend to do otherwise unintentionally.

Braiden is now looking at us and I saw Riley just smiling. "On the way home already. Thomas and Braiden picked me up." He said.

"Yo Connor!" Braiden and Thomas said in unison just when Riley finished talking. Of course, I just remained quiet.

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