Chapter 15

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 Author’s Note: I am in a rush so I didn’t have the chance to read this again before I publish it. Sorry for the errors. Thanks for reading. On with the story! :)

Apparently, I was the last one to wake up. I immediately sit up as I rub my eyes while looking around the house. I didn’t hear any talking from any part of the house, so the guys are probably out. Anyway, now I’ve noticed how messy the living room is. Pillows, blankets and hoodies are scattered everywhere. Wow, it’s really hard living with a bunch of boys. Now I wonder how Mrs. McDonough handles herself being around with them every day.

Before I do any cleaning, I just decided to fix myself up. I immediately went to the first floor bathroom with my backpack that I found lying just beside the couch. Since there’s no shower on this bathroom, I just decided to wash my face and brush my teeth. I also changed into my casual clothes and then I noticed that the outfit I’ve picked for Tayler last night is already gone. SO maybe she already changed and joined the guys out. Where are they anyway?

I manage to put my hair up in a messy bun and just continue wearing my glasses. I didn’t bother wearing my contacts all throughout the night because I don’t want to risk it. What if I wake up the next day blind or something? Believe me, wearing contacts overnight can do that to your eyes.

I went out of the bathroom and head back to the living room. Just when I was about to pick up the pillows from the floor, I noticed a note that is sticking near the TV screen.

Good morning, Mia. We went out to go grab McDonalds for breakfast. But we’ll have it for takeout only, so we can all eat together when we get home.  I will buy you pancakes though, is that alright? Because I know how much you like them for breakfast J  see you. – Connor


I smiled the whole time I was reading the note. I removed it from the wooden rack and placed it inside the pocket of my shorts.  I plugged in my earphones in my phone and played music on shuffle. Here To Stay by Paradise Fears was the first one that played.

I work really fast as I pick up all of the throw pillows and place them on one couch. After that I picked up and folded all the blankets we used and placed them on the other couch as well. When I finished I fixed the hoodies that are scattered around, folded them and placed them on the center table. I’m really proud of myself for cleaning up this fast because believe me, I hate cleaning. But now it’s the least I can do for the McDonough’s who let us stay here through the night.

When I’m done I decided to lie down on the couch, still with my earphones on. Suddenly, Before You Exit’s Settle For Less started to play.


Girl you deserve the best,

You’re better than the rest

Girl I can be the best,

So baby don’t settle for less.


I closed my eyes as I listen thoroughly to the song. It’s m first time to listen to this song like this. I mean, where I can really point out the lyrics. Because the first time I heard it was when Connor blasted it in his speakers when we were jamming one time inside his room.

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