Chapter 11

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I  woke up really early because I'm just excited for this day, mainly because we will finish all of our recordings today. And, I can hang out with Connor after that. This day will just be filled with excitement and I'll really make the most of it since the boys only have 2 days left here in Orlando.

I took a bath and changed into my usual clothes before going down. I told my brother the plan for today and he's just as excited as I am. We left the house at 11 am, since we both decided we’ll just grab lunch outside.

This will be my first hang out with my brother in a month, so I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t help but feel guilty because I always spend my time with the guys, and it may seem that I don’t have time for my family anymore. But I don’t know, maybe because I’m just really comfortable hanging out with the guys and my family are really okay with that thought. Because they know how devastated I am when we moved here, so they’re just really grateful I found friends on my own. They met all of the guys before, and they told me they can’t be any happier that I spend most of my time with them. They asked me why I didn’t have girl friends, though. And I just told them I don’t do well with girls because they create too much drama. And in a way, they completely understand.

We settled for Taco Bell and good thing there aren't much people eating. We ordered, ate and just rested for a few minutes before going out. Then I heard a beep on my phone. New text message from Riley.

Hey, Mia. We're already at the studio :)

I checked my phone and it’s already 12:10pm. "Let's go." I immediately said to my brother once I read Riley's text. We stood up and went to the car and he began driving to the location of the studio. My brother knows where it is so I don't have to bother showing him the directions. He said whenever he's really bored, he explores the streets so he'll be more familiarized with the place.

I'm on my way :)

I replied to Riley as we continue driving.

"They're leaving the day after tomorrow." I said to my brother who is just looking straight on the road. I saw him flash his eyes towards me though but for just a second.

"I know. Connor told me that yesterday. How are you holding up?" He asked, giving me a smile after. He knows how hard it is for me.

I took a sigh. "There's nothing I can do about it." That was all I can say.

"He'll be coming back, Mia. Just be happy for him I'm sure he'll feel bad once he knew that you're sad because of him leaving." He said.

Things kept on rushing through my mind. I know that I should be happy for him but ugh, I just don't know how I'll handle myself. I don't have a lot of friends, only Alex and Ana besides the boys. So how will my life turn out without them?

Then another thing came on my mind. "What if, he came back and then he's not the same anymore? What if he changed?" I actually asked this question to my brother, hoping to find an answer. But he just let out a slight laugh.

"Mia." He said, shaking his head, with the smile all gone now. "Connor's a great guy, I'm sure if all the things right now matter to him then nothing will make him change. I bet he's still the same Connor you met on our first day here." He said, as he looked at me with a smile for only a short time.

And what he said made me feel a lot better. He's true, Connor is a great guy. And I just hope nothing will really make him change and he still remains the same.

"What if, it's because of another girl?" I don't know why, but it came out my mouth. I didn't think I'd say it out loud but I guess I just did. It somehow bothers me knowing that he might meet another girl who is prettier, more talented etc. There’s no doubt it could happen. They’ll go around in what, like 15 cities? I’m sure he’ll meet even just one. And what if he meets another girl who is just better than me and more deserving of his love?

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