Chapter 9

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Chem class went perfectly fine. Alex and I didn't talk that much because we're both focused on the lesson since Ms. Sanders is extra terrifying today. When we talk it's just about the lesson and not anything else.

The whole afternoon was pretty boring. My classes are just minor ones so I didn't pay attention that much. Maybe because I was just excited on how my recording with the guys will be.

When the final bell rang I just placed all my things in my locker and walked carefully to the back door, hopefully without Connor noticing me. By the way I told Ana the plan so just in case Connor asks her, she'll know what to say.

When I arrived at the back door Braiden and Riley are already there. Wow they're really fast.

"Thomas?" I asked when I stopped in front of him.

"He's already out to get the car. Let's go." Riley said as his place his arms around me and we all walked out of the back door and in to the parking lot. I'm having fun with this, it's like we're sneaking around. We can be ninjas already.

When we arrived at the parking lot, Thomas is already prepared with his car. Braiden sat in front while Riley opened the door for me so we can sit in the middle together.

"Does Toby know what we're up to?" I asked, as we drove to the front side of the school because it's the only way out.

"Yeah, he can't join though. Or else Connor will notice already. Maybe he can come tomorrow." Riley said as he looks around.

"I see Connor! Go down guys you can't be seen!" Thomas shouted which made us all panic. I saw Braiden bend down immediately so Riley and I followed him. Riley and I both smiled at each other when we're bent down. It’s just funny how we’ve been really secretive about this.

"See you, bro!" Thomas said and I think he's talking to Connor as we drove off. Maybe he didn't open the window completely or else Braiden will be seen. I know Thomas' car is tinted but just to be sure, we still bent down.

"All clear." Thomas said, after a few minutes. I can tell we're already far from school since I can't see it when I look back.

"Is the studio far from our neighborhood?" I asked, as I look around to see houses in both sides of the street.

"Just a few minutes. 15-20, maybe." Braiden replied as I see Thomas place his shades on.

I just nodded in reply.

"Here’s the lyrics book.” Riley said, as he hand me a black clear book.

Before we end our lunch I gave Riley the copies of the songs I want to record, just so he and the guys can have an idea what I am planning to record. It’s too sweet of him to compile all of them and place them in one clear book. How thoughtful.

I flipped the pages and look through the songs I decided to record. I said that the songs I’ll be recording are those of my favorite songs. Since Connor is a band guy, I decided to pick songs that mostly are not performed or sang by bands. I chose some of the few classic love songs that I really like. I kept on thinking, are this songs okay? Will it make Connor feel happy? Or will it suck? Yeah, these thoughts practically crept on my mind the whole car ride.

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