Chapter 4

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"Oh my gosh, Mia, what happened?! What happened?!" My mom shouted, rushing from the kitchen and into the front door to welcome me. Connor is still with me because he told me that he'll be the one to explain to my parents what happened. "Are you alright? How are you feeling?" My mom kept on asking questions as my brother came in as well and he shut the door behind us.

I sighed and looked at Connor who is looking somehow tensed. "Ugh, I'm fine mom. Seriously."

She placed her hand on her chest and started breathing heavily as if I just survived a terrible accident. "The nurse called. She said you had a cut or something. We were really worried. What happened?" she asked.

It took me a few seconds before speaking. "I-" Connor cut me off.

"Sorry, Mia. I'll just be the one to explain. I'm really sorry, Mrs. Javier but it's kind of my fault. I was walking in our cafeteria when some of my friends called me so I wasn’t paying attention to where I’m going. I didn't realize Mia was there and I accidentally hit her on the head with my tray. I'm really sorry." Connor explained briefly and I noticed he's starting to sound like he's carrying all the blame. Come on, it's not entirely his fault. 

I think my mom understands him. She held Connor's shoulder as if she wants to comfort him.

"It's not his fault mom. Part of it was mine. Besides, it was an accident. Important thing is I’m okay." I said, looking up at Connor with a smile.

She smiled at both of us and I notice Connor starting to light up again. I placed my arm around his waist, which is a sign of me comforting him. I even rubbed it a bit and gave him a pat on the back. I also mouthed him the words, "I’m okay"

"Well, alright. I'll leave you two. Nice seeing you again, Connor." My mom said then she left us awkwardly as she went back to the kitchen.

I noticed Connor smile at my brother who is looking at us and grinning. "What?" I asked.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. Then he turned his back and continued watching TV. "Weird." I whispered to Connor.

He giggled then he handed me my backpack which he is carrying until we reached my house. Oh, did I mention that we walked together home from school? Well, yeah we did. Our school is not that far from our house, a kilometer away maybe. But it doesn't matter, whenever I'm with Connor I don't mind the time. It's like we only walked for 10 minutes from school. I enjoy every time I'm with him.

"Hey, you want to come over?" He asked as I place my backpack on the couch beside my brother.

It took me a second to answer. "Sounds good." I replied. "I'll be over at the McDonough's!" I shouted so my mom can hear me clearly from the kitchen.

"Alright!" I heard a shout back.

He opened our front door for me and we walked together across to their house. He also opened the door of his own home for me.

"Unfair! That's so unfair!" I heard a loud shout which must be coming from the living room.

We walked together and found Riley, Toby and another guy whom I've never met in their living room, playing video games.

"Oh. Hey, Mia!" Toby and Riley shouted in unison as I saw the other guy just flashing Connor and me, a smile.

I smiled. "Hey guys."

Connor grabbed me gently by my shoulder and motioned me to walk closer to the living room. "By the way, that's Braiden, one of my best friends. Lead guitarist of the band." Connor said and I notice the guy stand as Connor was talking. He reached out his hand and I shook it immediately.

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