Chapter 12

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I didn't know what to reply. I stared at my phone for quite a while to read Connor's text message over and over again. He knows we're up to something. Or at least he knows that I'm up to something. This is the reason why I hate lying to people, because I know one day the truth will be revealed.

After a long time of just feeling the warm Florida breeze, I just decided to come back inside.

"Mia?  What's wrong now? We were supposed to run after you when you went out but Tayler said we should just give you space." Braiden asked, as he rests his head on his hands that are now leaning on his knees.

I sighed and smiled at them before I reply. "He knows." That's all I could say. I went back to the couch I was sitting at earlier and just unlocked my phone to read Connor's message again. "Connor knows I'm spending time at the studio. But he doesn't know I'm with you guys. At least." I added, so the confusion inside their minds would stop.

"How?" Tayler was the first one who asked. She's now sitting straight up, as her right hand is still wrapped on Braiden's left arm. Before I can speak, I saw the guys lean forward maybe so they can hear more clearly what I will tell them.

I looked at each one of them before speaking again. "He dropped by our house and since my dad knows all about this except for the part that this is a birthday surprise, he wondered why Connor’s not with us. That’s when he began on asking questions to him. Good thing my brother interrupted them just in time so that my dad didn’t ask them why I’m working with you guys without him. And that’s why Connor also figured out I wasn’t really hanging out with my brother today." I said, placing the phone down on my side.

There was a long pause before Riley spoke up. "Well you can tell him that you're helping us with some music." He said.

I shook my head instantly because I know it's a wrong idea. "No, I can't tell him that. He might misunderstand it and think that you're not inviting him in your studio activities." I said, pausing after as I think of the perfect reply. "I'll just tell him I need a break from what's happening so I decided to go to the studio and record some songs. Besides, he knows that music is my getaway." I said, grabbing my phone now.

"But the problem is you don't really write music. I mean, it's not what you do.” Thomas said, managing to let out a slight laugh after speaking.

I just remained still and quiet. Clearly the guys have no idea about that side of me, the musically inclined one. They only know I can sing and play some instruments.

"Oh no." Braiden said out of nowhere which made us all look up to him. He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking again. “You do write your own music!" He said it with much enthusiasm which made me smile. "I felt it when you didn't react to what Thomas said." He added, as Riley and the others are looking directly at me now. I still remained quiet.

"You write songs?" Riley asked, before drinking his water.

I looked down and shook my head in a sort if embarrassment. "Well yeah I used to write music for my band back in the PH." I added, now finally telling them the side of me they don't know yet. I bit my lower lip as I wait for their reply. I saw them look at each other before speaking up again.

"Why didn't you tell us before? I mean all we know us that you can sing. We didn't know you're kinda like a professional." Riley said, looking at me straight at my eyes.

I looked down. "I don't think it's something to tell about. I mean, it's a side of me I don't really tell much to others. I'm a bit insecure about it. I guess. Especially because I'm with you guys. You know." I said, afraid of not making sense.

I saw Riley shake his head at the corner of my eye. “You shouldn't feel insecure about it just because you're hanging out with us. You're a great musician, Mia. And that's something to be proud of." He said, giving me a light pat on the back after.

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