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As sunrays fall on my face I opened my eyes and my first thought was what I am doing out of the cave ?, then it clicked in my mind that I came out of the cave because I couldn't sleep so I came to take some air and fell asleep here

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As sunrays fall on my face I opened my eyes and my first thought was what I am doing out of the cave ?, then it clicked in my mind that I came out of the cave because I couldn't sleep so I came to take some air and fell asleep here... the sun is about the rise and today is new day since we found the herb and now I can focus on collecting essential things needed for winters.

First, we need to find a place to make a house for the three of us to live since we can't live in the caves since it will too cold and we don't have enough dress so we need a place to stay since djuin will also not like to live in the cave since he is celestial he used to live the large palace.

The second thing is the needed clothes which are essential for winter and I also need to find the materials needed to make the clothes I can ask xinxi about that matter.

the Third and last essential part is food I am thinking to make the house near the waterfall since there are so many trees which have many fruits it would be easy to store them.

As I stood up from the grass and start going back into the cave and smiled at xinxi again and cuddled maybe he liked djuin more than me I huffed feeling a little bit annoyed how can he like djuin since it was me who gave him my food and sheltered him with me djuin was not doing anything, but it also true who couldn't like djuin. huh, not again why in the world my first thought would always be Djuin? well, when it was not the habit of mine not to think of him sometimes I too don't understand if it is good to think about him or not well if I want to move on I better not think of him

Then well subconscious said something unexpected to me" If you think of him now then how will he recover, we both know that once we set our mind on the single man, then we can't love anyone else... we both know that you still love him and care for him, maybe he might like you since there is only two of us maybe you can open your heart for him.. "then sudden hope was born in my heart maybe he can like me then just to crush my beautiful hope my dear conscious said to me" don't hope too much there will be nothing going happen between you and djuin... you always know what happen in the end ' might like you since only two of you are there then what will happen when you go back home, once see ji heng he will forget about you then again you will be that broken little fox crying over your unrequited love, you just focus on moving on don't keep any expectations that he will love you, don't waste your time and energy on him after what he has done to you always remember that you were always been his least priority so don't expect anything for a return just help him to heal. "

then suddenly my subconscious cut her and said"Because after all once he saved you". then angrily conscious said" Who said you can cut my conversation and by the way you already repaid him in double so don't think you are repaying in return he owes you for saying his life on top of that you injured yourself just to save him I think he will owe you for the lifetime since you fed him your precious blood and carried him everywhere." then subconscious said" you did it all out of love not obligation this is your pure love for him and don't tell him that you carried him around and fed your blood otherwise this turn into debtor and creditors play.." I feeling headache from the whole thing I said" can you two please stop I have more important works to do and I will think what should be done or not in this matter." and shake my head to get out from this silly conversation.

we did everything the same as usual only two things were different, one, was I fed Flower rather than my blood and didn't kiss him on his cheeks and forehead since the medicine is working what if he felt that I kissed him that would be embarrassing if he questions me after waking up.

now we came back to the waterfall and start collecting things but the problem is that where to store them since we don't have any containers I asked xinxi if there is a coconut tree nearby we can make a basket from its leaf thanks to heaven when w...

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now we came back to the waterfall and start collecting things but the problem is that where to store them since we don't have any containers I asked xinxi if there is a coconut tree nearby we can make a basket from its leaf thanks to heaven when we were taught how to make a basket with the coconut leaf I was paying close attention to the details now I can make one.. xinxi called me from afar that here is a coconut is there .. now I went to xinxi and plucked few branches since we need to make a big basket so we can collect more things It took a half an hour to make such a big basket we started to collect the things we almost finished suddenly my stomach growled demanding for the food we came back to a place where we kept djuin since I and xinxi couldn't trace any smell of any animal that means no animal is there or they don't know about this place...

As we sat and start eating and fed djuin and after that, his medicine also looking at his composure and complexion I think he might wake up by tomorrow. I told xinxi that I need something sharp thing so I can cut these bamboos so we can make a house we start searching I got a few stones but they are not too good to use as an axe suddenly xinxi called me said " I think this will work it has very sharp edges by the way what will you be doing for this stone." I looked at xinxi and smiled and said "Just wait for a little time being you will understand on your own my dear xinxi."

As I started cutting the bamboo it was so difficult... since bamboos are long enough if I cut them in two equal parts then two pieces will easily be made I think maybe we need 50 pieces of bamboo then if cut them into halves then I will have a total of 100 bamboos... oh my how will I cut this much by alone by tomorrow I mean I don't have too much time.. then I suddenly remember that I need something that can bind the whole bamboo yea how can I forget about rope I looked my other side where xinxi was sitting I told him to find the rope so I need it for making the house. he nodded and start the search for rope and I start to concentrate back on my work.

after half an hour I cut almost 30 bamboo means 60 bamboos I need 100 bamboos I sighed through tiredness my hands are paining like hell and I sat down for a moment then I stood up since I was feeling thirsty I went towards the waterfall just checked on djuin I felt his hand stir a little bit maybe I felt then I again saw it I ran towards djuin called his name I asked him if he can hear me I think he might wake up by tomorrow. I drank the water and start doing my work at last after 50 minutes or 45 minutes I cut all the bamboo I need.

then xinxi came back telling me that he thing he found the rope.. gone with him they are thin ropes I need to bind a few of them we need a lot of ropes for it .now after binding the bamboo we need it to keep somewhere water won't touch or it doesn't slide in the water after keeping it safe we went back to our yesterday night's cave. today I did three rounds, first I took djuin back with me and went back to pick up our basket and told xinxi to keep an eye on djuin and came back with the basket. we ate and start drifting back to sleep since today I had done extra work maybe a little bit more since my whole body is aching I didn't know before that there this place can also ache.

Hi guys'

thank you for voting for my previous chapter.. this chapter was a little bit long .., but in the next chapter djuin will wake up.. please vote and comment if you like my chapter❤️❤️😊😊.

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