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As I woke up first in the cave I happily thought that maybe by tomorrow I can sleep in my bamboo house. today I need to find the materials for making clothes and I need to make some utensils since how many days we can use the coconut shells to collect water we need something bigger like a jar to collect the water and some spoons, glass, plates, etc... as I thought about it deeply it clicked in my mind that we don't have any condiments for making food I also need to make a stove for cooking purpose and I need make a weapon so I can catch fish since I am not in my fox form I can't catch the fish easily by the way I have xinxi he can catch the fish until I don't make weapons .. at least are main two problems are solved one is food needed to be stored and second is home well I did prepare everything now all I need to do is join them all well which is a difficult part

as I start walking towards the entrance of the cave I saw the sun above my head Shit !!, it slept till noon already we don't have enough time and I am the only one who is setting up the things how could I sleep till noon my subconscious said to me" yesterday you have done hell lot of work and now you think that I don't need rest well I also have repair the body which you damages ..well I am also managing all these things alone." I said yea, yea you are great, well today I think I barely waste a single minute on breakfast basically lunch since already wasted the whole morning in sleep I was damn tired yesterday oh heaven when did I start cursing oh my this workload is killing now my brain is also not working properly.

just to calm myself I said," Bai fengjiu all these things are for permanent arrangement then you will be free then you can explore this place a little bit more... maybe you find something fun also ." I sighed as though, today there is a lot of work needed to be done today I will first complete the house then only the rest of the things. As we reached our destination as I went yesterday home I bound a lot of thin rope into a single thick rope. yesterday I already cut the bamboo in half I don't have so many problems today I start binding the bamboo together well it looks like it is easy it is very tough now my whole hands are in pain like hell and there are bruises also and my hands are red as tomatoes.

Now I only have to bind all the walls together then my house will be ready, suddenly my mind said to me" Are you thinking to make a house here down what if some animal comes here at night then you three will be his next meal make it on the tree or somewhere higher." I happily chuckled and thought how intelligent I am Xiao Jiu you should be proud of yourself. now I have to find a good tree where I can make my home, I started to explore near the waterfall for the tree as I came near the water as I was feeling tired from yesterday how about a bath which will refresh me.

As I was taking my bath I just turned around my eyes suddenly caught on the perfect tree which was near the waterfall and it was higher than the ordinary trees will give a good view of dawn, dusk, and nighttime. I come out of the water and quickly wear my dress and as I tried to pick up the walls geez they are so heavy I somehow managed to drag the first wall near the tree and after 30 minutes all the walls were arranged below the tree. now my next problem is how to take them up since I don't have magical I have to take them up somehow I need some rope I can make something like a lever and I need a stone geez I need to find a strong branch so that it can take the weight of my walls and don't break down. I found one which was exactly at the back side of the tree now need to climb the tree so I can make my lever I called xinxi for well he won't be helping me to pick up the walls he might get crushed between them I asked him to only pull the rope I put down he did the same and now my lever was ready all I need to do is that pull the walls.

OH HEAVENS! very difficult then it looks like I need the rest of the day to complete this house and it almost took a few hours before the sunset to complete it and well tomorrow I will assemble them before starting my work put the walls I asked xinxi to look around for some different type of plants so I can make our new clothes as I completed my works after rest for few minutes then checked what xinxi found well most them were like Picture plant, Venus fly trap and some of I don't even know there well found few plants of cotton and jute can you believe that jute was also available now we can make the matters and few more things I collected them and put it in the basket well I made two different baskets some I can collect the different things other than our foods them then, as usual I made three rounds.

I ate my dinner and gave djuin his portion too and gave him his medicine and immediately went to bed I today come back early so I can get enough rest and get early well I think today I am too tired to think of anything else .. well I think I might able to get up early unlike today.

Hi buddies,

I hope you all are doing well I am sorry I changed my plan to wake up djuin but I promise he will show up in the next chapter... please vote and comment about my chapter, if you guys find any mistakes let me know.

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