Banquet And Blind Dates

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As entering the banquet trying not to catch the attention of the crowd. I made my way towards the empty seat with a pot in my hand covering my face. As I sat on my seat, trying to hide the pot under the table, and started to kick the pot with my full strength at the same time.

Djuin entered the hall the pot flew directly toward Djuin's face he blocked the pot with his hand and started to look in the direction of the pot came he was looking at me and the whole crowd was also looking at me

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Djuin entered the hall the pot flew directly toward Djuin's face he blocked the pot with his hand and started to look in the direction of the pot came he was looking at me and the whole crowd was also looking at me. Without looking losing my composure I looked at the Migu who was beside me looking at me with wide eyes with a calm voice I said "Migu you shouldn't throw pot like this." whole crowd was looking at me for my shameless act and Djuin was smiling looking at the pot and took the pot with him towards his seat.

Today Yehua left the hall on time without drinking too much alcohol  Liansong look at the Djuin with a knowing smirk on his face he said "Look Yehua left today earlier saying he got drunk just with a few glasses, desperate to reach his wife

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Today Yehua left the hall on time without drinking too much alcohol  Liansong look at the Djuin with a knowing smirk on his face he said "Look Yehua left today earlier saying he got drunk just with a few glasses, desperate to reach his wife. " Djuin was also smirking at this comment and started looking at Bai Fengjiu who was receiving toasts from several princes smiling without losing her queenly composure.  Djuin thought about today's situation.

As Djuin left the hall so that youngsters could enjoy the banquet. everyone left one by one only I was left in the hall with my juice or wine I  can't distinguish what I was drinking.

As I entered the hall I saw a girl sitting in the empty hall. she was holding the cup in her one hand. I already knew it was Bai Fengjiu and made my way toward her. I asked "What are you doing here?, her cheeks were dusted pink she smiled at me and said" I am drinking juice. " she was lifting the cup aloft towards me, I smiled at her the drink was wine, and it was clear that she is drunk

I kept the weapon on the table and sat beside her and said to her " This is wine. You are drunk" She said, "I am not drunk, I just feel a little dizzy". I saw her fallen hairpin and picked it up and said to her" Come here" She obediently came but, because of her drunken stupor she can't sit in one posture I said to her " Don't move" She stopped moving I put the hairpin in her hair she suddenly asked" Are you going to for the fight ? take me along with you, I am so small I won't cause any trouble . Donghua you are really bad." I looked at her amusingly and asked " why". she replied that" you said I a was pet you didn't ask me to stay when I left" I said," I don't remember". suddenly she fell in my arms and I continued " told so". I picked up her and escorted her back to her room. when I put her back in bed she was refusing to leave me. so I reluctantly left my outer robe with her and asked Ali to bring Yehua's outer robe so, I can go back.

As I woke up I was hugging someone's outer robe to my shock it was Djuin's. I thought it was a dream 'Oh heavens what I have done' as I fold the robe to later wash it. A maid came and told me I was invited to have breakfast with my Gugu and Ali, as I went for my breakfast, and asked how I returned. To my shock, Ali yelled in front of Gugu's room the whole situation. It such a shame now, the whole nine heavens would have known.

As I was eating breakfast Gugu said " Xiao Jiu I have arranged so blind dates for you, don't think of running away otherwise you have to copy 50 scrolls by evening "I said "No Gugu you wouldn't be this cruel to me..... okay I will attend the blind date. Gugu said"good that's my Xiao Jiu. I will tell you some instructions about some candidates. remember no tricks " happily nodded.

I came three hours late Migu was pacing here and there worrying about me he said" Where were you your Highness you know the prince always does everything punctually you are 3 hours late ?" to my unknown there was a second person who was listing lying in the broken chair that was Djuin who opened his eyes to see the play going to happen

I came three hours late Migu was pacing here and there worrying about me he said" Where were you your Highness you know the prince always does everything punctually you are 3 hours late ?" to my unknown there was a second person who was listing ly...

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As I sat in front of the prince with my I picked up the bun and forwarded towards him his face suddenly paled at my action and I was happy my plan was working. he started talking about the past glory of his family in which I was not a single percent interested as he turned his face turned black and then pale blue he forwarded his napkin to me to clean myself I used his napkin to make messy my table with grass. he said" Enjoy it slowly, I have something to do I take my leave"
I said, "See you later". One down second is the next target.

I was acting like a drunk when the prince came he called me as I was lookup I said in my drunken accent "You are here" while throwing the wine on his face,  he ran away I said "Don't leave" 

As I stood up to take off I suddenly bumped into someone. Suddenly a cold breeze blew I was transferred to somewhere I don't know as look beside m and the person next to me was djuin before I lose consciousness.

[Hello guys,
I thought of changing the original situation where he and Fengjiu have a chat.
If you like this chapter please let me know.
Please like and vote for e my chapter. ☺️☺️❤️❤️]

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