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This chapter is dedicated to Dragonazabache
Since helped me to improve my writing skills... I appreciate whoever will advise me.
I have not edited this chapter I hope you will ignore the mistakes.


Well as I opened my eyes I panicked seeing an unknown place then I suddenly it clicked in my mind that we shift to our new home, well "OUR" sounds good to hear that this house is only for me and djuin, obviously Xinxi also. Thinking of Djuin reminds me of yesterday's incidents I hope he will act normal today. Yesterday was a happening day. well, I stood up and walked towards the front door of the house, as I opened the door chilling fresh air welcomed me and I smiled at the feeling of the beautiful sunrise kissing me. I was imagining that what if your beloved came and hugged you from behind to say "Good morning my love". I just giggled at my imagination, then I sighed at the loss thinking that day will never come for me since my beloved person loves someone else I will be celibate forever, my conscience said to me "Why are getting so sad about this you should not waste your love who isn't worth to have it he will never gonna love us and we will move on from him and we will find some who is worthier than him to have our love since we are known for our loyalty ." sigh I whatever she saying is true. Wait what I am thinking I already "Moved on from him"
I hit my cheeks so I wake up from my daydream. I was going towards Djuin's room well should I wake him up or not? I felt conflicted but I still went to wake him up.
Although looking at him my mind changed I let him sleep a little more, I came out of the house, and the chilling gust kissed through my hair it was a refreshing feeling to get more I started climbing the tree, this tree was the longest in this area so I climbed till I reach the top it was breath taking moment and I was enjoying fully I sat on the branch which could take my weight. I sat there for a few hours basking in the newly born sunrise.....


I opened my eyes. I could see xinxi cuddled beside me a smile crept on my face. This scene made me remind of how my Xiao Huli used to cuddle with me suddenly a sad smile appeared on my face I sighed and got up opened the door and went towards Xiao Bai's room as I opened the door I saw she was not there I went to touch her leaf bed which was cold that means she left the bed early as walked towards the door it was open so she went outside. As I went outside cold breeze was flowing through my hair it was refreshing. suddenly a small branch fell in front of me I looked up and saw a faint figure of a person. Well, what she is doing so up there it is dangerous so I too start climbing. Well, she is sitting on the top of the tree it is still so high. Somehow I reached the top and sat beside her to my surprise she didn't even notice that I sat beside her she was in her own world so I put my hand on her shoulder and called her name "Xiao bai" Suddenly she jerked and became imbalanced and I caught her from falling she said," thank you djuin." I asked her what was she thinking so much that she didn't notice my present. She was hesitating to tell well what she hiding so much that she couldn't tell me well I know it's not like she is thinking about me. I suddenly felt annoyed thinking that she must be thinking of her so-called mortal husband. I have been behaving strangely since I woke up "Maybe because she helped me yes that's why ." Then she told me that she remembered her childhood days when she used to climb like this on the highest and once she fell like this and fell directly in the snake pit. She told me that after that incident she became afraid of snakes this much that once she fainted when it came near her. I could see her shivering at the thought of snakes and relief washed over me knowing that she wasn't thinking about him.

No one's POV

Well both of them don't know that they looking at each other more than they should. sitting so closer than they should. To unknown to him that he is falling for her. To unknown to her that he was falling for her. One is pushing while the other is pulling but still, there is a wall between them. The wall of fate which is stopping them from reaching each other. A small misunderstanding between them will break them apart. He doesn't know he is the cause of her past pain a little seed of doubt is still there in her heart which will be going to break their relationship. It's a test for both of them one to learn how to trust while the other learns how to be patient in relation. A test that they both gonna be fail. A lesson that will make their relationship stronger than ever before in the future.

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