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The Winter has already been over, now spring is coming....

Fengjiu's pov,

Well, all this winter we enjoyed each other's company and we mostly played the game of go and, now I could withstand a few rounds not like the first time. When I first woke up I was in the arms of Djuin, well I really like how we are cuddling with each other after yesterday's talk we have gotten closer to each other he told me about his early life, his battle experiences, and some of his childhood memories well it was fun and in return, I told him about my childhood memories and my friends and obviously leaving the topic about my love life

we also talked about xinxi past his mother and father and his life here we got to know that this place is not suspicious at all sometimes people transmit here there is a valley heart-shaped which known as Mount Wansheng if we could find that place we can go back our home possibly. This is our last chance and hope, if we can't go back then we have to live the rest of life here only .... Then I, and djuin could get married and have children.. or wait what do I have to live like him a monk I don't want to live like a nun I want to have children is this place has no more people, my future is doomed I am doomed... what am I thinking I think I have gone mad. well, now that I already moved from djuin so it won't be a problem if I find another partner.

yes, I moved on from djuin I should never read my book backwards... He was my past and will always be and suddenly djuin voice snapped me to the reality that I was still in the arms of djuin on the bed and he was looking at me with a strange expression on his face ... I looked at him then he came near me I could feel his hot breath on my lips and then he closed the distance between us and then my body jerked I woke up and looked at my other side and saw djuin sleeping peacefully.

Oh, Heavens was that a dream?? it was so vivid for a moment I didn't think it was a dream ...I mean whatever I thought was also a dream... I will move on from him soon.

Well after coming here I saw several sides of djuin which cannot be seen in the nine heavens well this is great than his stoic face well sometimes change is good, then he said " Thank you "It confused me I said " why are you thanking me djuin .... I didn't do or said anything ." He smiled and said" Well you said that after coming here I saw several side of djuin which cannot be seen in nine heavens well this is great than his stoic face well sometimes change is good."

Omg well I said it out aloud I thought and then ...I said " well I think said it aloud.... Haha don't mind it... But sometimes change is good." He just looked at me and passed a smile I said " what?" He just shook his head . He got up and I followed the same and had our breakfast and we were going to home and we already packed everything yesterday we have making this plan after hearing about this mount and we planned that we take our leave to find this mountain today...

Djuin's pov

Where I am... Is this dream? I could see Xiao bai is also there ...I started walking towards her... she was in the field of rose where there is only single rose and whole field was filled with rose thorns... and she was looking at a rose near her, it was a beautiful rose, she suddenly looked at me while caresing the rose and she said something from afar but I could hear what she " Donghua, there is no rose without thorns... but there are several thorns without roses you are just like this rose for me in this field of rose thorns and these rose thorns are like my hardship to trying to reach you ... I crossed this field to get to get you... To get your love which is this rose ... but I know I couldn't keep this rose with me even if I want to... So , I m leaving this rose here And now I want to get out of there... I could no more love u donghua .I am moving on from you my love... "

and I could see her moving away from me where I couldn't see her I tried to go after her but the field of rose thorns were blocking my way she suddenly came near me out of no where.She started saying" I hate the way the thoughts are not mine but yours look what you created something like broder line sacred that I couldn't cross before...until I again met you... thank you for helping me " when I looked down at her I could see she was injured maybe because she was in that field and I looked at her face again I could see scar on her left cheeks I touched her cheek she looked me at me and smiled I said to her " Xiao bai... you are injured"

she said "this was price I payed for having some good moments with you . There were bad moments more than good moments but I don't think about them it makes me sad.... you know every good moment I spend with you were best moment of my life . but I know I can't be with you all these 12 thousand years I tried to move on from you but now I am finally moved on from you for some extend that I wont feel hurt or pain...even if you will be with someone else and I wont die from that pain... you know donghua nine tail fox only love once in a lifetime ...if there patner love someone else or marry someone else they die from the heartbreak but now I overcome that stage in the no time I will fully move on from you... I don't regret loving you.. you were the best choice of all wrong choices I made in life." I didn't know that I was crying hearing her words.

I said" then... why don't u me anymore ?" she said" because I was causing you problems I not fated with u my ill fate with you was causing your health to deteriorate and my health was getting worse my family members getting worried but I didn't cared about it until yours started.. you know when I started loving you first I was in the field of roses and later they turned into the field of rose thorns... now I am tried donghua I wanted a peace I wanted to get out this never ending sadness . I am tired.

I looked at her for a moment then said" what if I want you in my life ...what if I am ready to defy our ill fate... what if I never want to let you go Then tell me Xiao bai what will you do." Then she smiled at me and she pointed her fingers towards the field of rose thorns and I looked at her puzzled and she said " Donghua... You have to cross the field of rose thorns to come to me ..." I said " okay  I will cross that rose thorn field then you have to be mine for eternity.." she looked very happy  just like a child got its favourite candy. she said " yes , djuin I will wait for you.. then I will be yours for eternity." Then I started to walk towards the field of  rose thorns I looked a her she was still sitting there looking at me with hopeful eyes and then I turned back and started moving ahead in the field ...

It's a long way... But I will reach to you Xiao bai .. wait for me.

Then I started walking ....

When I woke up I couldn't remember my dream but I was sure it was a strange dream. But then I heard Xiao bai saying "Well after coming here I saw several side of djuin which cannot be seen in nine heavens well this is great than his stoic face well sometimes change is good." I smiled at her thinking so Cute.   I said " thank you" she looked surprised and then she tried to cover it up by saying"well I think said it aloud.... Haha don't mind it... But sometimes change is good.... Yea good." The only person who thinks about me selflessly I smiled at my thought the she said " what?" I shook my head and got up she followed the same we gone down had Breakfast and start preparing for search the of mount wansheng.....

Well it will be a long way to go ..... Finding the hope to return back to our realm.... Was it ever home???
No for me but for xiao bai... Will I ever be able to find my own home ..I wish to find one before returning from here...

I looked at xiao bai . She was smiling looking at me and said " shall we go?" I said " At your command... General" she giggled it was so pleasant to my ear ... She said" then let's go."

Hello guys,
I tried to update this chapter yesterday but wasn't able due to some modification problem....but it got resolved today.... I hope you like this chapter please do vote and comment ..  stay healthy and happy 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️

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