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Hello guys
I am sorry I wasn't able to update until now but I will update soon again ... I saw that so many people read the story but didn't vote for it .... Please do vote .... Since it motivate me to write... Thank those who always vote and comment. ❤️❤️❤️

Fengjiu's Pov,

We came inside the house after seeing the snow fall... we started to make mattresses and blankets but since we couldn't find too much cotton so we couldn't make each pair of mattresses and blankets for both of us for winter. So I and djuin are going to share the same bed and the blankets and mattress are large enough for three people. so we thought to join our bed into a single bed so we could keep each other warm at the same time.
That day I told Djuin that my sleeping posture wasn't that good and I warned djuin about it already. but he said he had no problem with it.... and the next day I felt somebody cuddling with me, to my shock it was djuin who was using me as his pillow to cuddle I know this habit of djuin but somebody else would have misunderstood him because when I was his little fox I saw him cuddle with his pillow and he also told me he like to cuddle. Oh Heavens he is so heavy that I can't get out of his grip I looked at his face he was really enjoying and I relaxed thinking that if he was taking advantage of me then I should enjoy this moment since it's a lifetime memory to cherish since it won't come again and again I always wanted to feel how it would felt if djuin hug me but it feels so good beyond my imagination

Right now I am engulfed in his sandalwood scent it always calms my nerves and makes me relax. I laid there still for half an hour until djuin didn't wake up. As djuin opened his eyes I smiled tight lip and said " Good morning djuin, how do you feel after using me as your pillow I can't get up because of your deadly grip on me if you don't mind could you release me, your majesty." Suddenly djuin facial expression changed and said" What did you call me now??" I looked at him and said "What... I called you djuin .... Nothing else." He looked at me and said, " No, you called me Your Majesty, not Djuin." Now I was feeling flustered I said " I am sorry I must called you by mistake ..." Suddenly he became serious and said," Who you used to call your Majesty??" I said " My mortal husband " Suddenly he interrupted me and said "Ex-husband" I was dumbfounded by his sudden reaction.

I smiled but it was so awkward so I continued saying" Yes...Yes My Ex husband .." he said "Mortal" Well I looked seriously like we were going to fight over something like this just because sometimes I forgot to say mortal or ex but why he is behaving like that I said "Yes... My Ex Mortal Husband I used to call him your majesty.." djuin asked me " By the way what was your ex name?" I was annoyed by the way he was addressing himself I know that he was asking about himself and it reminded the time when djuin was mortal asking about his immortal self and today is history repeating itself today his immortal self is asking about his mortal self thinking about it I started laughing.. he looked at me with confused expression said: " what happened why are laughing?"

Now he is sulking I couldn't control myself " I ....haaha sorry... Haha, I didn't mean to laugh hahaha oh my god now I am okay ... Well he was not my ex he was my ex-husband and his name was Song Xuan Ren ." He looked at me and said, "When did it happen?" Now it caught me off guard. I said," Why...wwhy Y-you want to kknow djuin." " I was just curious that's why "Djuin replied. I sighed in relief and said, "It was 12 thousand years before." And djuin said, "I also gone to mortal trial 12 thousand years before." I said nervously laughing "Wow... What a coincidence that we both went to the mortal realm 12 thousand years ago..." djuin further asked me" But why did you go to the mortal realm?"

I said "Actually I didn't do my homework given by my teacher so he said he would tell me Father so I hurried home and packed some of my belongings so I could flee to the mortal realm so I could save myself from Father...... Well my father is very strict and punishes me if do anything wrong sometimes beats me still But I know he loves me that's why... But accidentally went to the wrong mortal it was a battlefield I saved a young soldier he turned out to be the emperor but I still remained a man once I was drinking with my brother and got drunk while coming back and saw a snake .... Then I got afraid from the song was coming I didn't saw him coming ran and bumped into him and we both feel in the pond near him... He saw me as a woman but couldn't see my face then he started finding me then I had to reveal my true self to him ... Then you can understand what had happened he fell in love with me at first sight only made me madam then his wife and even to announce his empress ...but he never touched me he really loved me truly for who I was ...but I hurt him and left with his I left him. "

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