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"There are always people out there trying to seek protection from me. "It's the first time I met someone who wants to protect me instead." Donghua Djuin


As I opened my eyes, I looked at my surroundings. I couldn't remember anything; my mind is a bit cloudy. where I am? As I started looking around my surroundings, I was sitting near the waterfall and I was tied by the end of someone's robe, a baby pink robe, and it was too dirty. I couldn't remember how many days I had been sleeping. As I tried to stand, I couldn't move a inch of my hands and legs like I was paralysed . I looked around me to see if there was anyone. Suddenly, I heard someone cursing to send us to this damn island. This is what she said. I looked and I saw the feminine figure on the tree more near the waterfall. I couldn't see her face since she was facing her back to me, and to my surprise, she had already made the base and side of the house. suddenly she turned around and she was Bai Fengjiu and started calling someone named Xinxi. I remembered everything like our encounter in the nine heavens and being teleported here, and I am getting poisoned. Wait, how did I recover? Did she already find the cure? I was surrounded in my thoughts at the time I saw a small figure running towards Bai Fengjiu, and to my surprise, it was a fox—not a big one, but a little fox. It made me think of my Xioa Huli; she used to run like this when I used to come back after my court. I don't know why she disappeared suddenly after my marriage. I shouldn't have locked her up; maybe she would still be by my side. I never felt this connection with anyone or anything, I had with especially with the mortal women whose faces I don't remember. She told Xinxi, I think that is the name of the fox and asked to see if I was okay. I can see that small figure running towards me; it was cute and had fine fur, and I started yelping as I looked towards Bai Fengjiu, who just froze in her spot. It looks like she can understand. What does Xinxi say? She hurried to climb down the tree. She starts running towards me, even losing the footing in between, standing in front of me, trying to catch my breath, looking towards me with worry, care, and love. I think I was mistaken about what I saw right now. She asked me if I was feeling okay and if I knew who she was. She looked at her amusingly and said, "I am feeling okay. I can't move my hands and legs. Other than that, I can turn my head sideways. I know who you are, and I am feeling thirsty. Could you fetch some water for me? and she ran to fetch some water for me.


As I heard Xinxi say that Djuin was awake, I froze on the spot. I quickly recovered from the shock and quickly climbed down the tree and started running towards where Djuin was sitting. I lost my footing in between and some how reached towards him. I looked at him and said, " Are you feeling okay? Wait, do you know who I am?" He was looking at me amusingly and told me he was feeling fine and that he was thirsty. If I could fetch him some water, As I was coming back, I thought it surprised me that he was woken up earlier than I thought, maybe after two or three days. Well, he only regained his consciousness and did not start waking around. I think we need to shift some things. I gave water to Djuin. He was looking at me, then it clicked in my mind that he couldn't move his hands and legs. I bent down and helped him drink his water. I asked if he needed more water, and he replied, shaking his head in denial. After the long stretch of silence, Djuin asked me where we were and if I carried him around all the time.Well, I don't want to tell him I carried him around, but there is no animal there. Maybe the house will take time to be done. I have to tell him the truth. I said, "Yes, djuin, I carried you all around till this time since I don't know where we are, but when the first day you got unconscious, I started searching for food supplements." That time I met Xinxi, he stole my food when he was hungry. I took him with me. He told me that winter is about to come, so we need to find a safe place for the harsh winter, so we start our journey three days before we find the herb that will cure us. We were staying near the field. Then I thought we needed a house to survive, so I made some arrangements and some extra things, like food and clothes. Well, I think by tomorrow the house will be made, and today we have to live in the cave. So this happened while you were unconscious. Do you need something, or are you hungry? when she finished saying I was looking at her admiration that she did all these things without anybody's help. She is very brave and strong, not like other women I have known who only know how to dress up, sweet talk, and seduce men. She suddenly used her hand to wake me up to reality. She asked me in a worried tone if I needed something or if I was hungry. I said "No, I don't need anything; when we can go back, I just want to lie down somewhere."

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