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Fengjiu's pov

I as completed sewing a set of clothes for me ,next set will be djuin's since he said he was tired so I thought how about I make a set for me . As I looked outside it was already night I wasn't feeling hungry I just looked at the other side and saw djuin sleeping peacefully a smiled came across my face seeing him sleeping so peacefully. I thought how I about take a fresh air before I also go back to sleep, oh I forgot that djuin haven't eaten anything since I have to feed him and give him medicine . As I was thinking about it I came in the grass field , the breeze was cool, a soothing and calming cool which is helping to relax my nerves I sat down and start looking at moon it was a beautiful moment a gust is drifting me to remember that it was just like how it used to be when sit with family and we would have so much fun . I was missing them terribly , a sudden thought made the fear the my most dreating fear that what if we can't go back and I couldn't meet them anymore or worst what if they get in any trouble I wouldn't be there to save them and I starting crying in this lonely night no one was there to hug me or comfort me a sob escaped from my mouth and I mumbled "I miss my family " . I want someone to come and comfort me but there is no one I pulled my knees towards my chest and lowered head between the space of my chest and legs hoping to get some comfort. suddenly I was engulfed into a hug suddenly smell of sandalwood hit my nose . djuin how did he came here he wasn't able to walk I totally forgot about my sorrow ad start worrying about djuin's health. I looked at up and met with those beautiful eyes which I loved more than a life that same spark in his mortal incarnation t had too which attracted me to save him in the battlefield I suddenly came out of my daze saw djuin studying me I said" how did you reach here?" he smiled but it was different not his usual one but one of his rare smile for which I could do anything get to see that smile everyday. he said" I am now able to walk and move my hands look." I looked at his waving suddenly got annoyed he doesn't care about his health he should still rest so he could recover. I said in scolding tone" so I thing you should rest you don't care about your health you rough use your body but I care about you will take rest for one more day then you will start walking but that doesn't mean you will climb or do any hard work okay so lets go inside now I was about to wake you up so you can take the food and medicine so lets go ." I was trying my best to avoid to the topic of me crying but it seems that djuin doesn't want to end this conversation. he said" okay later , now tell me why were you crying? are you missing your family?" well that was only needed my tear dam broke nodded my head to conform my reason. he said " its normal for you to miss them, since you always stay with them."

I said looking at him " it is not that I have never been away from them.... its just that time I always know that they are safe and sound I can go back to them anytime if there is a problem... but right now we don't even know if we could return home or not . what if here is any trouble and I am not there for them or maybe they too worried about me . I really don't know what to say about this matter." by the time I ended saying my concerns my tears also stopped I was feeling more relief after sharing my concern like a heavy stone was lifted up from me I was feeling free for the first time after reaching on this island I smiled as I feel light as feather . suddenly djuin extended his hand and said" how about a walk before we go back to cave?" I said protesting about this" but you just recovered, how about tomorrow ?" . djuin just smiled and said" little walking won't hurt Xiao bai, by the way I am fine so don't worry okay." whenever he calls me Xiao bai suddenly butterfly start flying in my stomach causes me jitter feeling , I just nodded and took his hand and stood up we started walking towards the flower field.

the breeze was misty and flowing through my hairs there is silence between us but not awkward but a comfortable silence between us and I am liking this feeling walking beside djuin since we only walk together in the mortal world and it was too short . as I looked up at the sky I could see so many stars shinning brightly , I always wanted to take djuin to show the stars of Qinque .today he is here but stars are not there well when stars was there he was not there . just like our fate I don't know when did everything gone wrong suddenly. djuin said" what got wrong?" his question made me understand that I said it aloud . I asked what did I say I was praying that he didn't heard word "our fate" to my surprise I just left to say 'our fate' so I made up the thing and said" I mean that why did we end up here we both are two people with no strings with each other, I mean something was truly odd that day the wind was cold and I could feel demon energy but who could have send us here." what djuin next said surprised me " well isn't it good that we both were together rather only one of us being trapped on this big island." I said" well what djuin is also correct it is always better two people together rather than a single person."

As we neared the flower field I could not believe the beauty of the flower field since I never came to the field in the night so I really didn't know that these herb glow in the night , it was so mesmerizing that I didn't see djuin start moving towards the field when he called my name that's came out of the trance and quickly walk towards him and with smile I said" what a beautiful site.... I never came here in the night so never knew that these herb flower glow in the night. now feel at ease we will find our way back to home ." djuin smiles and said " yes we will find our way back to home no matter what." the we sat there for sometime and retuned back to cave .

when we reach at the entrance of the cave I found crying xinxi I ran towards him and pick him in my arms and said" what happened why are you crying or you got hurt or the same nightmare .. tell me now I am getting worried xinxi." he looked at me with angry look and yelled at me . suddenly djuin came near me I said" what happened ?" I said " nothing when he didn't see us he thought we also abandoned him." djuin said" what do mean we also abandoned him ? was he abandoned before?" I said " actually not that type of abandoned but yes, we was left alone here with no campion . all alone in this island with no one to look around no one to share the burden or joys all alone in this island." this actually sound so depressing that I didn't know that when I mixed my feeling. djuin put this hand on my shoulder I just looked at him and smiled although it was not genuine but sorrow one . then we headed inside the cave had our dinner and gone to sleep.

I was not at all feeling sleepy since I was sleeping only before, just on my right in little distance Xiao bai was sleeping since she doing so much work that the moment she touched the bed she start sleeping and xinxi was also sound asleep beside her . I was thinking about the incident happened earlier she seemed to be very sad but trying hard to show that no she is not bothered about our condition . I could understand what she was feeling when no one was there to help her when she needed the most and mostly no one was there she can share her problem . it is half relief when you only tell other person about your worries but she had no one to share since I was I coma. so she bottled up her fear and problem. I will help her complete the house .. well she will not let me touch a single thing she already told it before that I will only take rest tomorrow no work . well she was the only one who ever dared to scold other than my brothers but she is only one who ordered me . well she cared about me that's why , I feel happy thinking that someone cared about me without feeling obliged or grateful . her worries are selfless without any motive and she doesn't feel obliged or grateful about anything she scolds me because is worried about me thinking all about these things I don't know when I fall asleep.

Hello guys,

this was a short chapter, next will be long , and my school is reopening on 19 June. due to hot climate , I will publish another chapter before school reopening . I hope you like this chapter please vote and comment me Take care😊😊❤❤.

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