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donghua's pov

well I was shocked by her answer well I never thought she would think about me like this I felt hurt by her answer before I could answer her I could see blood flowing from her legs I got panicked well what's happening .suddenly when that chayton got inside I was standing with Xiao bai hand in my hand she is sitting on the floor before I could tell him the situation Xiao bai said" it's noting chayton. it's my periods ." well I was shocked what is periods? she said " well, my husband will be staying with me"

chayton said" I will bring new clothes and ginger tea that will relieve your cramps.... if you need anything don't hesitate to call me.. I will be there." well couldn't he see me I am also standing beside her. I knew from the start that his gaze on her was not curiosity but more than that. when he left I asked her "What are periods Xiao bai? I never heard that about this in nine heavens" I could see the pain in her eyes before I could do anything chayton came why he is chasing for what was already mine, he said leaving me dumfolded" Xiao bai here is the new dress and ginger tea and yea eating this fruit will also help to calm your mood swings... let me help you to sit up.." I stood in between them and said" Why are you so interested in my wife's business? It's Bai Fengjiu for you, not Xiao Bai do you understand Chatyon" To my shock he smirked and made Xiao Bai sit up on the bed and made her drink ginger tea. then he looked at me and said" your not her husband... who don't even know what's periods ??? you can only fool my mother and all my people but you can't fool me. I know you just want to go back but remember to take care of her also... when you were sick she looked after you now it's your turn here is the scroll you can know all you need to know about periods."I don't have anything say to him . I just took the scroll and said" thank you" fengjiu looked at me and said" djiun you should leave now my heat cycle also started... " I looked at her with a confused look and said" So why do I need to leave if your heat cycle started ?" her cheeks turned red she said" Ummm.. djuin heat cycle is different ummm it's like its very intimate...I mean like .... In this process actually just be with your mate whole ..OH GOD why don't you know about these things it's so embarrassing..well it is donee to makeee thhe mating bond strongerrr... well it comes for a few minutes if don't have mateeee . I can't take this any moreee... ahhh pleaseeee leave djuinnn before I pounce on youuu... ahh .. for god sake leave donghuaaaa." Before I could understand what's happening I felt lips on mine it was so soft and yet familiar then suddenly a memory played in my head.

when I opened my eyes Xiao Bai was looking at me and said" Good morning djuin." and suddenly I touched the place where I felt something soft before and I said" Did you just take a bath?" and she just nodded her head. I smiled because I felt the kiss on my forehead but I wasn't saying anything about it "Why are you up so early ?" and I just pulled her towards me and she ended up trapped between my hands and my face was dangerously close to her neck and when I spoke it sends shivers down her spines. I said" Let's sleep some more time I am liking right now our position cuddling this way with each other." then I kissed her neck and she was red as a tomato and I said" You smell so nice, Xiao Bai. I feel like eating you up." I felt like kissing her on her lips I wanted to taste them they looked exceptional and alluring to me. She said in her sweet voice "Djuin I want to hug you too this is unfair only you hugging me so Djuin please open your arms so I can turn your side." I was surprised by her answer I was so happy that she was willing to hug me ...I never felt this much happy and as I opened my are she took the opportunity to get out of my arms and suddenly she stood up and she ran towards the entrance of the cave if I ever pounce on her so I could run away. I felt so sad knowing the reason but I wanted to confirm my answer so I asked her "Are you afraid of me? I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just want to cuddle with you. I am sorry."

I don't know what made me do something stupid then she just sat near me and placed her hands on my shoulder. she said "Are you okay ?" and then I suddenly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me and said " I want to sleep on your lap " She just laughed and said" So why didn't you tell me before okay come." and I laid my head on she started stroking my hairs I suddenly spoke which scarred her, I said" don't stop I am liking the feeling of being loved ." and after saying I suddenly dizzy and woke up after 5 minutes and as I regained my conscious said," what are you doing Xiao bai?" she looked at me with a confused look and she said in worry tone" You don't remember anything, you waking up before and many more things." now I was really confused " Xiao bai this is the first time me waking up after sleeping yesterday night. did I woke up before and did something bad and don't remember." she said, "It's okay djuin you were not in the right state of mind I knew it so I forgive you okay." I became blank after hearing that what did I do to her? I said anticipating tone" Tell me what did I do and said. please." she mischievously smiled and said "Nothing that much just trapped me between your arms and said you want to cuddle with me "To my horror I did the things I never did before I was feeling ashamed at the same time feeling angry at myself becoze of my action I said" and," . she said " And," I said cautiously " what happened after that" she just said with her calm face " nothing much you kissed my neck and said I smell so good that you want to eat me up. played along with you and said it was unfair that you only could hug me I wanted to hug you so open your arms I could turn your side and you opened your arms I took the opportunity and ran away from you .. suddenly you said sorry for scaring you just want to "I was getting impatient every minute and I said in pleading tone" just want to.... please tell want happened after." she said" you just want to sleep on my lap." and well I was shocked by answer it was something childhood desire I didn't want anyone to know about this said " wait, what? sleep on your lap and what did you do? and you let me why?" and now she looked dumbfounded" What do you mean why?..... you were so sad that's why you... you only said that you never sleep on anyone's lap so you want to know how it feels."

but I wasn't able to understand why she let me I mean I don't mean anything to her more than an emperor I was feeling a little bit angry" So?" she looked at me confused and said" What do mean by so?" and my voice was rising when I said," So, why do you care ?"  I could sense her anger was rising too and she said in a more rising voice" WHY DO YOU MEAN BY WHY DO I CARE!!!!. WELL, YOU CAN'T MOVE A SINGLE BODY PART I TOOK CARE OF YOU!!!... YEAH, WHY DID I TAKE CARE OF YOU THAT TIME I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU THERE!!! BUT... I AM NOT LIKE YOU HEARTLESS AND WITHOUT ANY EMOTION!!!... YOUR LITTLE FOX ALSO LEFT YOU BECAUSE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE FEELING THE ONLY THING YOU COULD DO IS JUST SAVE THE WORLD AND LIVE ALL ALONE!!! YOU COULD NOT UNDERSTAND COMPANIONSHIP OR ANYTHING WARM YOU ONLY UNDERSTAND HATRED, JEALOUSY, AND LONELINESS WHICH IS COLD JUST LIKE YOU ARE HEART... DID YOU EVER NOTICE THAT WHOEVER CARE FOR YOU DIDN'T STAY LONG WITH YOU THEY JUST LEAVE BECAUSE YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND OTHERS FEELING!!!!!." she was yelling at me I was shocked by her answer I don't know what to say, I could see hurt and tear. my face was very blank and she said something that made me instantly feel regretting of my earlier words " I don't like making myself count what I have done for others. " as she finished speaking she stood up and Xinxi was fully awake due to our fight. she said" Xinxi let's go... I have other work to do... so. let's go." she just picked up some fruits from the basket. she looked at me...I was sitting a stone, she said" You are going to stay here take rest .. well I shouldn't care but still I feel like it so I said because I was feeling obliged"

suddenly she kowtowed to the ground and continued saying" And bai fengjiu ask Donghua Djuin to have mercy on me and forgive me for what I said before.. since djuin is the most respected deity in this universe I shouldn't have said such harsh words I should have understood that you lived this long if felt that I have any selfish motive doing so forgive me if I ever made you feel like this.. forgive me djuin" she stood up and looked towards my direction I could see unemotional and cold face .. I had never seen this of her and I said" I am sorry Xiao bai." she smiled which was fake "Why is Djuin feeling sorry, it was my fault I shouldn't made you unnecessarily think about the situation."

Back to present

now I know what happened that day I can feel that Xiao Bai is somehow connected to my Xiao Huli when I get back home I will definitely gonna search for this matter I always felt that Siming was hiding something from me he better be not this matter I won't forgive him for this matter. So, that's why she was acting so distant that day... I snapped when something moved on my lips... then remembered that she Xiao Bai was kissing me. I took advantage of the moment I kissed her back with the same intensity I felt a tug at the dress knot I stopped Xiao Bai before she could do something she would regret later. I want her to do this with her consent.... I have understood my feelings... I LOVE HER.... AND I WANT HER TO BE IN MY LIFE... ALL MINE NOBODY TO SHARE...

hello guys,

I wasn't able to update due to some issue that happened in my eyes because of sunlight doctor strictly told me not to use my phone and laptop for one and a half months... let me know if you like my chapter or not... I saw more than 100 people read my chapter but there was barely any vote( 9 votes) Is my story that bad... I am so disappointed😔😔😔. so now if the target is not complete then I won't update the next chapter.

Target- 15 votes

I love you all, stay happy and healthy❤❤❤

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