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Djuin's pov

We have walking continuously for 30 mins .... I asked to xiao bai " When are going to get down from this mountain." Xiao Bai said " Well ... It took me 3 days to reach at top ...since I was carrying that's why this much time took ... Since you are now cured we can reach the down by one day... Wait! Now I remember the horse we rode during the finding the place to live ....he said that there is only a single mountain present on this island .... So the mount wansheng is not a real....maybe it's somewhere here only a heart-shaped mountain...I think I saw it during the climbing but it may Take half a day to reach." I said" It's not the problem here .... The food there for us is only for nighttime and we need a shelter for nightime?" She said, "Yes, there are so many caves...about food I don't know...but we have food sufficient for 2 Days don't worry."

Fengjiu's pov

Well, our travel was filled with unusual silence. Xinxi is in the hands of djuin. It reminded me of my time with djuin. I sighed djuin said "What happened xiao bai.... are you tired?" He thinks that I am sighing because of tiredness but only I know the real reason behind it. I said, " No... not at all djuin... just walking a mere 30 mins can't make me tired ... I climbed 2 hours continuously with you and xinxi on my back... walking is easy compared to that." Again the silence filled with between us. djuin said, "I am sorry because of me you were troubled a lot..."

now I feel guilty for taking out this topic I said" Well djuin... were you saving the world to get power, fame, and influence, thinking that people will be indebted to you for sacrifice? while you trying to unite world to get the peace in the world? tell me" he looked little surprise by my answer so it took him a while to answer he said" no..." I said " then, when you never discriminated who you saved.... never wanting anything in return ....well karma comes back and that too in double right?"

Djuin smiled and said " yes.... That's how I met my xiao huli ..." This time I was silent for a moment. Then I said" well... Why does you never gave a name to our Xiao huli?" Djuin said "well her name was Xiao huli." I was shocked and mumbled to myself " so, Zhong Lin was right he really did gave me name." and djuin said " what?" and I said " well... You named your pet xiao get offend if you don't give them name...but you named her xiao huli....but she never made a scene for this ....that means she really loved you ..... As a master." I was feeling sad after saying last line ... Well it was right he never saw me more than his pet... Nothing more Nothing less.... Just like his point of view towards every one is same matter who it was. Then well we didn't talk ... I could say I was feeling low after conversation...I also didn't initiated ... Until we reached our destination.....

Djuin's pov

Well our travel was filled with unusual silence. Xinxi is in the hands in my hand . It remind of my time with my Xiao huli. I heard Xiao bai sighed .
I said " what happened xiao bai.... are you tired?"she said " No... not at all djuin... just walking mere 30 mins can't make me tired ... I climbed 2 hours continuously with you and xinxi on my back... walking is easy compare to that." Again the silence filled with between us. I said "I am sorry because of me you were troubled a lot..." I was feeling bad that she had to carry me so many times and took care of me as caring for a child .

then she said" well djuin... were you saving the world for to get power , fame and influence , thinking that people will be indebted to you for sacrifice. while you trying to unite people and trying to get the peace in the world? tell me". I was little surprise by her question so it took me a while to answer I said" no..." . Then She said " then, when you never discriminated who you saved.... never wanting anything in return ....well karma comes back and that too in double right?" I smiled and thought Xiao bai always surprises me with her new ways and said " yes.... That's how I met my xiao huli ..." This time she was silent for a moment. Then she said" well... Why does you never gave a name to your Xiao huli?" I said "well her name was Xiao huli."

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