Chapter three

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"Here take my phone and call Antonio" He said and threw his phone to me which I caught with ease. I went through his contacts and saw a contact that said 'Antonio' and clicked on it. After two rings he finally answered

"Emilio have you gotten her?. Is she okay?, How'd...." He kept asking questions upon questions

"Jesus shut the fuck up. Some men are after us and we need your help. I don't wanna die young!" I yelled at him. Things could go really badly right now, I forget to bring a gun with me and the only thing I have here is a stupid dagger which I doubt would do anything

"Hold on Gabriella, I'm sending my men over, they'll protect you..."

"Yeah yeah just hurry up" I said hurriedly and cut the call

"He's sending his men over. Drive faster, we need to loose them. Take a left" I said and Emilio gave me a look as if I were crazy

"I don't think so..." He trailed off

"Men I said take a goddamn left, I know what I'm doing. Trust me" I said in frustration and he finally took a left

"Great now in the next turn take a right. Gotta play with their heads" I said

"Huh?..." He asked in confusion and I rolled my eyes

"Take a right, then at the other turn a left. By this time they would have already probably realized what you're tryna do so they'd expect you to take a right turn after the left but you turn left again" I said and I saw realization dawn on him, he finally seemed to understand what I was talking about and did what I said and we lost them

" need to stress your pretty little head anymore. Backup will handle them" He said and we made our way to the airport got on the plane and took off

I felt sleepy but I couldn't sleep. There's no way I'm sleeping on a plane with a guy I barely know when I don't even have a weapon with me

"Get some rest bambina. I can see how tired you are" he said and I shook my head

"Don't worry I'm good" I said plainly

Throughout the plane ride, he kept trying to make small talks with me but I just gave him one word answers. He probably understood that I wasn't in the mood and left me alone

I took out my phone and saw dozens of calls from Enzo and I sighed. He's gonna be so mad, eh I'll talk to him when I'm off the plane

We finally got off the plane and walked to a black car that was already waiting for us. Seeing the car I could already make up that they're rich rich

The car:

The drive was long and suffocating

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The drive was long and suffocating. How will they treat me?. I don't usually care about this kinda shit but something in me wants them to like me. Will they torture me like him?. Emilio seemed to notice my distress as he held my hand

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