Chapter Thirty Nine

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Nyx's pov
Sweet old Gabriella has always kept me hidden but now I'm finally out. Time to teach those motherfuckers just who the fuck they're messing with

I took a shower and got dressed in a casual summer dress. I'll get dressed properly at the warehouse, I can't exactly wear my mission clothes now because them family would ask a shit load of questions

I went down keeping in mind what they have all done to Gabriella over the past few weeks. You see people think Gabriella is bad but that's because they haven't met me. Even the lame ass devil shivers when I'm around

I went to the dining table and sat down without greeting any of them. That's Gabriella, not me. I don't give a shit about nobody

"You could at least wish us good morning" the one I know as Matteo said and I rolled my eyes. Seriously how exactly did she handle them

"Shut your shit hole and just eat your food" I said in a monotone voice and everyone at the table looked at me in surprise

"Apologize" Antonio said and I chuckled

"No thanks buddy" I said and went back to my sandwich

"Excuse me?" He said in shock

"Sure" I replied not paying mind to any of them

"What's gotten into you?" Alessandro asked

"Same old things. Can you guys fuckin shut up and just eat like every normal sane human being out there. I know y'all ain't normal but you can at least pretend" I said in irritation. I really just want to eat but apparently that's not possible in this damn house

"Piccolo why are you being rude?" The old man asked and I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from saying anything rude to him. Gabriella respects this one

"I'm sorry grandfather. I'm already in a pissy mood and they can't take the fuckin hint to leave me the fuck alone" I explained and he sighed heavily

"What do you mean?" Bruno asked

"If your small brain can't comprehend what I said then that's your problem" I said and walked out like the savage I am

I hopped on my bike and rode to the warehouse and there I saw Enzo, the hot guy Gabriella refused to date. I mean he got some fine muscles

'Don't even think about it or I will come back' Gabriella threatened and I smiled sheepishly

'Bitch alright I ain't gonna do anything with your ridiculously and irresistibly handsome friend' I said dreamily

'I'm warning you' she growled and I straightened up

'Okay jeez' I gave in

"Hey handsome" I said to Enzo and he frowned

"Are you okay Gabriella?" He asked

"Oh I'm perfectly fine baby" I said and his eyes widened. He looked into my eyes and his widened even more

"Nyx?! The fuck are you doing here?" He asked as he pulled me away from the listening ears

"Bios were stressing Gabriella out so I thought I could help her" I said and his eyes shown with worry

"Are you okay El's?" He asked, holding my shoulders

"Not Ella. I'm Nyx" I said and he rolled his eyes

"Shut it, you're just a personality. Can you stop? I want to talk to Ella not you. You are very mean" he said with a slight pout and I could tell he was reliving the last time we met

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