Chapter 7

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"Okay but you asked for it" Xander said and we stood opposite each other.

I quickly examined his posture and stance and immediately knew where to strike. He was limping on his left leg lightly probably from a fight

I didn't make any move and I could see that it began to irritate him. So he threw a punch, leaving himself open and I jabbed him on his ribs and he staggered back

He recovered quickly and threw a kick but I blocked it and punched his face sufficiently breaking his nose and he groaned as he held his bleeding nose

I didn't give him a chance to recover and kicked him in his abdomen and he stumbled back. I kicked his left knee and he fell on the other knee

Without giving him a chance to recuperate, I did a round house kick and knocked him down. I sat on him smirking

"You should never underestimate your opponent" I told him and gave him one last hard punch before getting off him

I looked down at him to see him struggling to breathe and I smirked in achievement. Still got it...

I helped him up and he glared at me lightly before spitting the blood out of his mouth and giving me a lazy smirk

"Thanks for the good fight, I must say you're pretty good. Your punches are heavy for such a small body" he said and patted my head

I turned and saw all my other brothers gawking at me with wide eyes and jaw hung open

"What the fuck just happened?. Xander is one of our best in hand to hand combat and our little sister just beat his ass" Xavier said in bewilderment and I chuckled

"Now that everyone's doubts are cleared, you'll start training from tomorrow bambina" Antonio said with a warm smile and I smiled widely, squealing in excitement

I don't know what came over me but I ran to him and threw my hands around him, shocking him and the others but his hands immediately wrapped around me

"Thank you so much!" I yelled in his ear and he winced

"Are you trying to get me deaf bambina?" He asked chuckling and I clung tighter to his frame

"Someone's excited" Domenico said and ruffled my hair making my smile turn into a frown

"Of course I always dreamed of beating the shit out of people and not get arrested" I said and they laughed

"You're something else bambina" Alessandro said placing a kiss on my head

"What positions do you all have in the mafia?" I asked curiously and they smirked

"Well our dear brother Antonio is the Don" Domenico said and I stared at Antonio with wide eyes before screaming loudly, hugging him tighter, he laughed and let me cling to him

I don't know why I'm doing this really. I want to keep my distance because you'll never know who'll betray you. I don't trust people easily so why do I feel like trusting them?

"Alessandro is the second in command. I am the third in command and the tech producer, hacker and I basically operate everything that has to do with our security system

Emilio is the leader of the hand to hand combat section. Leo specializes  with guns, he makes some pretty cool guns for the mafia and is also the main doctor of the mafia

Stephano specializes with knives. The twins and Matteo are still in training. Which one do you wanna learn first bambina?" Domenico explained

"I love knives they hurt more. I wanna learn that first" I said and he just stared at me

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