Chapter Sixty

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Gabriella's pov-
I woke up to see all my brothers scattered around me. I observed my surroundings and saw that I was in the hospital wing of the base

Alessandro was the first one to notice that I was awake and his eyes widened in surprise

"Bambina you're awake" he said softly. His statement made the others look up at me and their eyes widened as well

"How are you?" Antonio asked with so much emotion in his voice. His eyes held a familiar softness that it always had when he looked at me

"I'm okay" I croaked out and Stephano handed me a glass of water

"You scared the shit out of us. Please don't do that ever again" Leonardo said as he caressed my head and I nodded feeling slightly bad

My eyes scanned the room to see that Domenico was missing. Why isn't he here? Is he okay? Did something happen while I was unconscious?

"Where is-"

"He's outside. He only came in once ever since you've been here, I think he feels guilty for what happened" Antonio said, cutting me off

I closed my eyes in exhaustion. He shouldn't be feeling guilty, it was my decision to go in there even when he told me not to

"I want to see him" I whispered and Antonio stared at me for some time before nodding

"Boys, come with me. She'll need some time alone with him" he said as he stood up

"Why can't we stay with her?" Xander asked in annoyance

"Dont be unreasonable, they need some time to talk about stuff. I will not repeat myself, now come with me" Antonio said sternly and Xander rolled his eyes

"Watch your attitude Xander. That's my last warning to you" Alessandro said with a slight glare seeing Xander's behavior

Xander's eyes met mine and I saw how hesitant he was. I gave him a slight nod and a smile before he agreed and left with the others

I waited for almost ten minutes before the door opened and Dom walked in slowly. His eyes met mine and he immediately looked down

Looking at his appearance made my heart hurt, he didn't look like my organized brother, he looked drained, he had eye bags, his clothes were rumbled

"Won't you even look at me?" I asked him softly and his shoulders tensed. His head slowly raised and he finally met my gaze

"Come here" I said and he hesitantly walked to my bed and sat down

"I-im really sorry bambina. I n-never meant for you to get hurt, I should have protected you better. I failed you when you needed me the most, please forgive me bambina" he said and I felt a tear drop on my hand

"Stop it Dom. Please don't blame yourself, it was all on me, I admit I should've listened to you. Whatever happened, happened because I was being stubborn

I love you and nothing could ever make me mad at you or think of you as a bad brother so you shouldn't either. You didn't fail me, you saved me Dom, I would've died in there but you got me out" I said and wiped the tears from his eyes


"That's enough, you have nothing to feel guilty about. I'm safe, I'm fine and I'm with you. Please don't do this to yourself, stop feeling guilty" I said emotionally as tears welled in my eyes seeing the condition of my brother

This is all my fault

"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happens to you bambina, I'd rather die than have you hurt" he said and I pulled him in for a hug

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