Chapter Eighteen

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"How dare you bitch! Who do you think you are to stop me" she yelled and the hot heads growled (Xander, Stephano, Bruno and Damon)

"I dare you to talk to my sister like that again" Bruno surprisingly said and I stared at him in shock

"Get your ugly ass out of here before I do it for you" Xander said, towering over her with a glare. She gulped and started staggering back slowly

"GET OUT!!!" Damon yelled at her and she scurried away

"Thanks bambina. She was being a real pain in the ass" Xander said with an adorable pout on his face and I laughed, giving him a hug

After that whole drama the bell rang and I and my friends walked out of the cafeteria

"What do you have now Ella?" Ethan asked me

"Chemistry" I said with a sigh.

"Okay you have that class with me, Aria and Nathan so let's go. We'll see you guys later" Ethan said and we headed to the chemistry class

Mr James gave us a disapproving look as we entered the class but we all just ignored him.

We walked to the back of the class and sat down. Mr James began his teaching, it was actually pretty easy

"Do you understand this babes?" Aria asked looking hella confused by what Mr James was saying

"I'll explain it for you later. You could come to my house and I'll teach you" I said and her eyes beamed with joy

"Are your hot brothers gonna be home?" She asked shamelessly and I chuckled

"Of course they're gonna be there, it's their house as well" I said as matter of fact

"Then sure I'll come over. We can invite Lexi too, it'd be like a girls hangout" she said excitedly

"Sure-" I was cut off by Mr James who was now glaring at me

"Please answer the question on the board miss De'Luca" he said with a stupid smirk that I so badly wanted to whip off

I looked at the board and I squinted my eyes, staring at it for a while before I got the answer

1 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6] contains carbon = 6g atoms. 0.5 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6] contain carbon = 3g atoms. The mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of K4[Fe(CN)6]

"36g" I said with a confident smirk and his eyes widened for a second and he looked at the board before sighing in defeat

"Correct, sit down and pay attention" he said gruffly

"Damn how'd you know the answer?" Noah asked me

"It's pretty easy. I already know how to solve it" I said with a shrug

Soon the period was over and i went to my last class. I don't have this class with any of my friends so it's just me, myself and I

I took my usual seat in the back and stared out the window for a good amount of time. Just thinking about my life, that seems to be all I could do lately

Suddenly the door burst open and I looked away from the window to see a guy walk in. He was very handsome indeed, hot even.

His eyes were a beautiful shade of green, his hair looked like he combed it with his fingers and even then it looked perfect. He had this cold aura emanating from him, which piqued my interest

"You must be the new student. Please introduce yourself" the teacher said

"I'm Alessio Satori" He said and looked around for a seat when his eyes locked on the seat next to me and I sighed. He sat down and I thought of being a little nice to the new kid

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