Chapter Forty nine

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I woke up around 8:30am and took a hot shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel and went into my closet

I got dressed in a black hoodie with some shorts and my white jordans. I put my hair in a bun and went downstairs

I knew they already left so I just ate my breakfast and continued watching Alchemy of souls, this has got to be my favorite series yet

I received a call on my burner phone and I sighed in irritation. Why does this idiot keep interrupting my show?!

"Yes shadow?" I said and I heard him chuckle

"Eager to talk to me I see" he said and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice

"Why did you call me?" I asked in a bored tone

"Are you set for tonight?" He asked

"Yes I am"

"Come to the safehouse by seven, also get your own mask because I won't be giving you anything" he said and hung up

Well that was rude

I sighed knowing I have to go now. I took my bike and went to the base, I didn't see Enzo around so I went to his office

"Hey" I said as I barged in

"You almost gave me a heart attack. When will you learn how to start knocking, I could have been with a girl in here" he whined and I let out a loud laugh

"Anywho thank God you're here early. I just wanted to make sure you have everything covered, I also got you a mask for the party. Also please help me with some paperwork" he said and eagerly handed me some papers and a coffee

We worked in silence for some hours until he sent me to the weapons room. I went to the secret compartment where I keep my weapons and took out my special dagger and gun

They're special in the sense that I got them after my initiation into the mafia. They were made by the best weapons man in the mafia, special bullets in the gun and a poison coated dagger

What else could I possibly need for this mission?

I went back to Enzo's office and showed him the weapons with a grin on my face

"I've got everything. You need anything else?" I asked him

"Yes, I need you to stay here with me, leave the work for now and let's have fun like the old times" he said and brought a bucket of ice cream

"You're on" I said with a chuckle and we started playing chess while munching on some chips and the ice cream

We played five rounds and I won all and he cursed at me repeatedly in frustration

"You cheated!" He exclaimed

"I did not, you're just bad at it" I said with an eye roll

"Okay I think you should get some rest before the mission. Don't want you falling asleep on a mission" he said with a teasing smirk

"That was one time!" I yelled in defense and he laughed, shooing me away

I went to my room in the base and decided to call Tony

"Yes bambina do you need something? Are you hurt? Do you need us to come home?" He asked immediately he picked up

"Tony I'm fine, no I do not need you guys to come back home. I just called to tell you that I'm not home coz something important came up" I explained

"Are you crazy bambina? Why would you leave the house without telling any of us first?" He asked

"You guys weren't home" I justified

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