Chapter Twenty three

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"πώς κατέληξες εδώ γλυκιά μου;" Adonis asked holding me closer to him while casting my brothers a suspicious look. (How did you end up here sweetheart?)

"They're my brothers Adonis" I said and all their heads snapped in my direction

"What?!" Seb yelled and I casted him a warning look

"You still haven't answered the question bambina. How do you know them?" Antonio asked as he took me from Adonis with a tight smile. Both of them glaring at each other

"I met them a very long time ago. They are like a family to me, they're my brothers, he is my dad and he is my old man" I told him and he eyed me suspiciously

"How?" Ales asked and I took a small trip down memory lane


"Mom please take me with you, I promise I'll be good" eleven year old me begged my mother as she packed her bags

"Baby relax it will only be for six months, besides you have Luke with you. You'll be fine as long as you stay with him" she said and I fought back the urge to scream at her face that I'd be in danger if she left me with him

"I don't want to stay with Luke mom. I want to stay with you please take me with you" I pleaded desperately, tears falling from my eyes like a fountain. She looked at me and sighed before bringing me into a hug

"Honey, you have to stay home. Please understand that I'm doing this for you, I'll be back in six months, it's not that long" she tried to explain to me and I shook my head rapidly

"Please don't leave me with him mom. Take me with you" I almost yelled from fear and she frowned

"Honey is there a reason why you don't want to stay with Luke" she asked worriedly and i nodded

"Don't take her seriously babe. You know children, she'd always choose to be with you than with me" Luke said as he walked in and I stiffened in fear

"You're probably right just give me a minute to calm her down" mom said with a fearful look. Luke hesitantly left not before glaring at me

"Baby he's gone now. So tell me why you don't want to stay with him" she whispered. I was about to spill everything when I remembered his words

'If you tell your mother anything then I'm going to kill her infront of you'

I shivered at the thought of him doing something to my mom. Better me than her

"Nothing mom. Just don't leave me with him" I said softly

"I'm sorry honey but I have to go right now. Just stay with Luke and nothing with happen to you" she said and went out the door. I let out a sob knowing there was nothing I could do to stop her from leaving now

"Goodbye baby. Call me when you get there, I love you bye" Luke said in a sweet voice making it hard to believe that he could be such a monster

"Bye please take care of her" mom said not noticing the wicked smirk that came across his face

"Of course, I'll take good care of her" he said and that was all my mom needed to leave

"You were gonna rat me out to your mother right?" He asked as soon as he closed the door

"N-no" I stuttered. I winced in pain when he pulled my hair

"Stupid bitch did you forget what I told you would happen if you told her?" He sneered slapping me across the face

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