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𝟮𝟮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗹𝗱

Kianna let out a heavy sigh as she stared down at the text. It was the next day and although she tried to hide her somber mood from Samir— as always he was quick to figure out something was wrong.

Kianna definitely wasn't comfortable enough with Samir to load on all the problems she had with her father just yet, so she deflected, telling him something had happened with a customer.

She felt as though he knew that wasn't the truth but he didn't push her, which she was thankful for.

The bumpy road pushed Kianna out of her thoughts as she looked up. Today Samir had taken her along with him to run some errands. He told her it would be quick but they had seemed to be on the road for a little while now.

Her brows furrowed as the scenery began to look familiar, and before she knew it they were parked in the lot of her favorite nail shop.

The Pink Shop was a new shop in town, and when Kianna had first stumbled upon it, she knew that she'd quickly become a regular. The shop was not only black owned but offered many refreshments and snacks while you were getting serviced, and who didn't like being pampered with a few extra freebies?

Kianna looked back at Samir confused. Of course, her nails did need some touching up but she wasn't to sure as to why the nail shop would be on his list of errands.

"Why are we here?" She asked him, she was unclear with his motives, but she still decided on unbuckling her seatbelt.

Samir shut off the car as he spoke, "You seemed like you was inna bad mood, and I know dolling yo' self up make you feel better so here we are." He answered her, getting out to open Kianna's side door.

Kianna was surprised for sure, she knew that he had to have caught on to her gloominess , but for him to actually do something that'll put her in a good mood—it made her smile.

Walking into the nail store, hand in hand, it was relatively empty considering how early in the morning it was.

She was able to be seated quickly and she did a small dance in her seat as they gave her different colors to choose from.

Samir was seated next to her, Kianna believed to keep her company— but was quickly proven wrong when a worker came up to him, and asked him if he wanted his 'usual'.

She blinked at that, waiting for the worker to walk away before asking, "Your usual? What's that?"

Samir brought his hands out to answer, picking at the worn out clear gel polish on his clean nails. "Nothing much just a cleaning, and a— um what's it called Linda?"

The worker, named Linda, answered, "A manicure!"

Samir nodded his head, "Yeah, that."

Kianna nodded her head impressed. She would always bug Asíah about getting it done, but he'd refuse no matter how much Kianna asked him. He would claim that it was 'gay' and 'unnecessary'.

She was thankful that Samir cared about all parts of his hygiene. That small fact had seemed to make him even more attractive to Kianna.

Which she didn't even think was possible.

As they both were getting serviced, Kianna sipped on her complementary bubbly. The smell of monomer and acrylic filling the cozy shop.

As weird as it was Kianna loved the smell of the purple liquid, it always meant that she would be getting her nails done, and it somehow brought her comfort.

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