22. Goodbye Father

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Winnie had been keeping her focus on her summoning as she walked beside Alina.

Mal was to her left and Nina, Zoya and Inej were trailing closely behind.

The sun summoner was holding her arms out to the sides as she kept a dome of light around the group of six.

The shadow summoner would repeatedly move the shadows from inside the dome, pushing them back into the darkness, giving Alina a clearer view of their surroundings.

After what felt like hours of wandering through ruins of old buildings and houses Alina stopped moving and placed the dome around them so it was stable and large enough to keep them all safe.

Winnie quickly spun her hands around before extending her arms to the side, moving the shadows from the dome of light.

"This is it. The heart of the Fold. Where Kirigan first damned this country into darkness. This is where we stand a chance of bringing it down", Alina said.

Winnie knew she was right.

She felt a strong connection from where she was standing despite the Fold no longer being inside of her.

It was as though it's heart and her heart were trying to communicate with one another.

Mal stepped in front of Alina and reached for his dagger.

"No. No. We can do this", Alina said, placing her hand over his.

Winnie slowly walked away to join Inej, Nina and Zoya.

The four girls watched as Alina placed a hand on Mal's chest.

Suddenly, a glowing red light begun whirling around the pair with two strands of it sitting behind Alina's shoulders.

Like wings of a bird.

Winnie felt Inej grab her left hand softly as she watched in awe of her Saint's work.

The shadow summoner reached over and took Nina's hand in her own and after a slight hesitation Nina took Zoya's hand too.

"It's beautiful", Nina gushed.

"And it's working", Winnie said in a whisper through her smile.

She watched as the red light danced around the dome of light as it slowly increased in size.

But she was so distracted she hadn't noticed the presence of an unwelcome party.

"How touching", a voice that spoke to Winnie in her nightmares sounded out.

She immediately let go of her friends' hands and stepped in front of them, her arms out in front of her as a warning.

Alina was pulled from her trance with Mal and pushed him to her left before holding her arms out behind her in preparation of a fight.

"I almost feel bad for what I have to do now. He is family after all", her father spoke coldly as he walked towards Alina.

"You have plenty of practice in torturing your family ... father", Winnie spat as she walked to stand at Alina's side.

"One can never have too much it seems", her father said before slamming his hands together in front of him and bringing them out behind himself, copying Alina's stance.

Winnie saw Mal pull his gun from the corner of her peripheral vision and begin pointing it at something behind her.

"Get down!" Mal yelled towards her three friends before firing a shot.

Winnie turned her head for just a second to see a nichevo'ya pushing its way through Alina's dome of light.

As she quickly summoned her shadows to form a whirling ball that she had recalled made the monsters take some damage due to her own personal experience, she saw Alina begin to move her own arms in a circular motion.

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