Final Note <3

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Here we are ... the end :(

I hope you all enjoyed this season of A Coin Has Two Sides

I want to start off by saying how incredibly grateful I am for every person who has read any part of this fanfic.

Every single read, vote, comment ... it's all made me smile endlessly.

I hope I didn't break your hearts too much with this season. It was filled with depressing material and battles but I guess that's kind of on theme with Shadow and Bone and the crows lol.

I cannot express how badly I need a third season of this show and the Six of Crows spinoff. 

Not only so I can continue this story but so we can continue seeing the incredible work of Leigh Bardugo come to life and to watch the amazing actors keep playing the characters they were born to play.

But this is not the end of Winnie's story. 

I'm too emotionally attached to her to let it end this way haha. 

So I have a few plans in mind. 

1. Whilst we wait for our renewal, I am going to publish ACHTS One Shots

They will be filled with light-hearted scenes that I either didn't end up adding or wish I could have added into these fanfics

If you want to see more of Winnie ... make sure to stay tuned for those!

2. Wait to hear the renewal confirmation. If we do get it, you best believe I will be back to write Winnie into the story. But it will take YEARS so for now all we need to do is be patient.

I'm really not a patient person so we can struggle through this together <3

3. If my heart ends up getting split in two and the show gets cancelled, I am fully going to write my own version of season three on here or something very similar to it. I'm deadly serious. I'm not leaving Kaz and Winnie separated like this ... I have so many plans for them already lol 


A Coin Has Two Sides Season 3 is now being published (ahhhhhh)

I have explained everything over there so please go and check it out if you want to follow on with Winnie's story <3

Okay ... I think that's pretty much everything. 

I want to reiterate just how much I appreciate each and every one of y'all for choosing to read this fanfic ... especially those of you who have gone through all three like damn you can really put up with shitty writing I'll tell you that haha.

From the bottom of my heart I love these characters and this world. I will be devastated if it doesn't get to continue so go and stream Shadow and Bone as many times as you possibly can and then some.

Get tweeting, get commenting, scream, shout, we must do all we can to get our renewal. 

Time for me to go back and edit these fanfics .. they're in desperate need of touching up. 

That's all from me for now <3

I love each of you so much xx


"Until then, I can rest knowing that some small part of you no matter how real or true knows just how much I love you."


A Coin Has Two Sides (Season Two) || Kaz Brekker x OCWhere stories live. Discover now