28. A New Beginning

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"Miss Marth, the prince has requested your visitation in his quarters."

It had been only a week since the crows had departed Ravka and Winnie had begun her new life.

In that time she had cried more times than she could count.

Everything seemed to remind her of her life in Ketterdam that she once had.

And thus it reminded her of the people she had left behind.

She considered writing letters, but each time the idea popped into her head she would find herself incapable of finding the right words to say.

Until she finally realised that there were none.

She needed to accept that this was her future.

And Nikolai had taken precautions to ensure that it would be a pleasant one.

He had given her a room that was simply a larger, grander version of the one she had stumbled across in the fort.

Stars decorated all over the walls and ceilings, antique silver pieces instead of gold, glass chandeliers, beautiful navy velvet furniture.

It was a place that bought Winnie comfort.

Everyone had also been incredibly kind to her.

Winnie felt as if they were treading on eggshells, not wanting to anger the girl who could turn that emotion into another weapon of mass destruction.


But annoying.

Even that description reminded her of a certain caned individual in Ketterdam.

"Really? I had orders that he was to be left alone until the ceremony", Winnie replied to the guard who had spoken to her.

Nikolai was soon to be coronated as King.

And Winnie was to attend with Alina, each by his side.

He had made sure to put it on the day of a very special Fjerdan festival.

A move that Winnie had suggested, and Nikolai had enjoyed and thus taken to.

She knew it would cause a bit of chaos, but it was the smart move to make.

It would flush out the loyalties of the other countries, showing them just where their allies would lie.

Winnie was glad to be able to suggest such things.


Creating chaos.

Carefully picking the risky but right moves.

Another thing that bought her mind back to Ketterdam.

"He said it was an emergency, Miss", the guard spoke.

Winnie stood up from her dresser where she had been analysing her hair and makeup before she got dressed.

Nikolai had sent in a special team to get her ready.

She loathed the fanciness of it all.

But she did have to admit that she secretly loved getting done up.

She would have preferred Genya to have been the one to do it.

Or even Poppy, one of her only friends from the Dime Lions.

There it is again, another reminder of that place.

Winnie also hadn't been able to stop staring at her hair. 

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