Chapter 12

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I looked at Kiel. "Pleases just let me go."
He just stared at me. He got a towel out for me and smirked.

I looked at him furiously wanting to strangle him. I herd loud knocking coming from the door. they both froze and looked at each other. the man walked away and I could here voices. they got louder and louder and I saw men in uniforms rushing towards me. must be a rescue team. thank the lord. they unhooked me from the wall and gave me my cloths.

I got dressed and went upstairs and out of the house. I looked around desperately looking for Joey or Tanner. I saw them and ran. they saw me and ran to me. it felt like some cheesy movie where the characters find each other from a long journey or whatever. it was a good movie moment though.

We drove away minutes later. when we got to the house Joey pulled me to the side. "did he touch you."

"Umm. yea..."

"Did he hurt you"

"Umm. almost."

"Did you hurt him."

"Of course I did." I pulled him in a hug.

"I love you winter. and don't forget that."

Wow. that was the first time someone has said I love you to me science my mothers death... it felt good to be loved.


Everyone was staring and whispering at me. pointing fingers. judging.

I walked to my class and say down. a girl sat down next to me. it was a girl named Amy. I herd that she was the gossip God. I looked at her. she looked at me.

"What do you want." I snarled.

"To know what happened that night."

"Why would I tell you."

"Because I could make you popular at this school. like me. and you can also..."

"Save it. I'm not going to be you puppy and follow you and be like you. that's not getting past me." I stood up and she grabbed my arm.

"Nice knowing you. you little whore."

"Thanks for the compliment." she got up and walked away. the bell rang. school was out. finally.

I got home and sat down by wolf.

"Your glad you don't have school. you would hate it. it's full of evil that tries to pull you in." he looked up at me and layed his head on my knees.

I could here an 'oi hello there everyone' coming from the kitchen. Joey must be making a video. I walked in and he was talking almost crying. I'll pass on the crying. I walked out to the living room almost screaming from the sight of Tanner. "you look happy to see me."

"You scared me. nice work." I said walking into the room. I wanted to make a video of the minecraft series I started with Kat. the animalcraft. I called her and she said yes. we played, recorded, and talked. it was really fun.
At lest something good came out of today.

When we uploaded the video I started to think hard. I remembered what one of the teachers said. he said the every second 5 babies are born. and every second 2 people die. and two days ago, any second I could have died. I could die in 10 seconds. it scared me to think about life like that.

Wolf came in the door and laid his head on my chest. it was like he was the thing that kept me going in life. I admired it. being my lazy self I took a nap with wolf.

I woke up and walked out of the room and smelled cake. must be Tanner. again Joey is a terrible cook. but it wasn't. just a conveniently placed cake. sounds fine to me. I took the cake and got trapped in a cage. Joey walked out with the camera in his hand.

"Dude let me out so I can eat this cake in my room and watch myself on YouTube because I don't have a life."

"Winter. your not a theft are you."

"Depends. what did you loose."

"The milk has gone missing."

"Well I'm about to eat that milk. and sugar, and bread and others." I said turning away walking into the cage forgetting I was in it."

"Tanner then. k thanks bye." he said running away."

"Hey I'm still in here." I yelled out. no one came. I looked at the cake and shoved it in my face. Tanner came out and looked at me sad.

"My cake!!!!" He yelled. I looked at him. waited, then smiled. he walked over to me and took what was left of the cake.

"Wan wou wet me owt "

"What." he looked at me confused.

I swallowed. "can you get me out."

"Oh, sure." he said unlocking the door.

I walked out and sat on the couch. Thinking of what has happened over the year I've been with Joey. thinking of how it could have been better than this.

The good part was Tanner joining our nonstop train of disaster.

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