Chapter 14

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Brady and I went for a walk and went to the park. We sat down and looked at the guy staring at us. Brady got up and told me to wait there. I sat watching what he was doing.

He walked over to the guy and I could barely hear what they where saying. I leaned in to hear better.

"So. you hang out with freaks now." well that was rude.

"Dude stop being such a jerk Beck."

"It's not my fault your hanging out with an ugly chick." I was about to get up and go punch him. then I herd what he had to say again.


"I bet she's a skank, slut, whore. anything in that category." I was behind him now.

"So, Beck. do you want me to beat your face in the ground or thrown in a pole multiple times." I asked as he jumped and turned around.

"Please. you couldn't do anything with your stupid body." ok winter just count to three.



"3." then he fell down as my fist connected with his face and went back down to my side.

"So, who's on the ground." I laughed. I turned around and ran into a person. guess who it was. Joey. great, yay.

"Winter. what was that for."

"It was for...... science, and, stuff." He looked down at me not impressed. then I ran away because uh no use I was scared to know what the punishment was. then I fell. on a cat.

I was back at home hiding in a plant from Joey who was looking around as Tanner was staring right at me.

"Shh." I put a finger up to my face shushing him. He made a zip over his mouth and went back to watching tv. I snuck out of the room and went into the hallway where Kalel and Joey jumped out of two of the rooms.

"Tanner help. its an ambush!" He came in the hallway. Not Helping! And just watched me as they snatched me up and tickled the crap out of me. not literally. I fell on the floor laughing. literally falling out of their arms and smashing into the floor.


"Brady no. it's not worth it. Brady no, no!" He hit me with his sword into the lava. "Brady. I had diamond armor."

"Woops." he said sarcastically. not able to breath from laughing.

We stopped playing and went back to the living room to watch a movie. it's been a week since we meet. it was weird because Joey and Brady's parents let him spend the night over here. we made popcorn and started the movie. It was a comedy. Joey came out and looked at us.

Brady's POV
-just for a surprise-

Joey walked out here and looked at us both. He had a camera out.

"Today we will be hunting the young Binter."
*thanks for the comment*

"Binter reminds me of bent, and bent reminds me of Pewdiepie." I said.

*if you know what I'm talking about, I love you*

Winters POV

I laughed getting what he was talking about. we went back to our movie.

I was running down an alleyway looking for something. I don't know what, but if I see it I'll know it. a person came up behind me with a knife. He ran up and stabbed the air.




Pain. wait, what? I looked down at my stomach that had been stabbed the man ran away as I fell to the ground. was this it was this how it ended.

I flung up and saw blackness.

"Is this heaven?"

"No." a voice called out.

"Oh no. it's not!" I got kinda scared. then the lights came on. "oh. hey Brady."

"Still think it's heaven?" He laughed.


We played the wii for awhile and wanted to go to the park again. so we walked over to the park. I saw a really cute guy sitting on the bench. I looked at brady.

"So, let's say if you had a crush on someone that you didn't even know. and that person had never seen you before. what do you do?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I guess go talk to them and hope for the best."

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