chapter three : more

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cw: nothing major, just implied discipline

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as Kuchel sprinted through the forest under the heavy downpour, her odm gear adding an extra layer of weight to her body, she couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and relief. training on a rainy saturday morning was far from her ideal way to spend her time, but she was glad to finally reach the designated training area.

with practiced ease, she donned her odm gear, securing the straps and checking her hooks and blades. kuchel's attention was fixed on the task at hand – the training dummies set up to mimic titan anatomy. the anticipation in the air was palpable as the cadets prepared to showcase their skills.

ss soon as the signal was given, kuchel launched herself into action, her body soaring through the air with the grace of a dancer. she deftly maneuvered between the trees, each motion purposeful and calculated. her fluidity and accuracy were evident as she demonstrated her skills, showing off her proficiency with the odm gear.

she knew that shadis, their instructor, was observing their movements and evaluating their abilities. the thought of being under scrutiny only motivated kuchel further. she had learned from observing her father's movements in the underground, and she was determined to excel in this training exercise.

approaching a fake titan statue, kuchel's heart raced with anticipation. with a burst of energy, she propelled herself upward and looped around the tree trunks. her hooks landed directly on the target's nape, her wires initially slack but snapping into position as she descended. the force of her descent propelled her forward, and she was hurtling toward the dummy.

in a seamless motion, kuchel drew her swords, twisting her body as she descended. her blades sliced through the air with precision, a deadly arc aimed directly at the titan's nape. the slash was precise and powerful, cutting almost down to the wooden core of the dummy.

ss she completed the slash, kuchel's wires retracted, and she quickly latched onto a nearby tree, using her momentum to swing herself away.

turning her gaze back to the target, kuchel's lips curved into a satisfied grin. Her slash had hit its mark, leaving a deep gash on the dummy's "neck." satisfied with her performance, she wasted no time and propelled herself toward another fake titan, eager to demonstrate her skills once more.

shadis hummed, taking note.

magnolia bechtel. her movements with odm gear are exceptional, and slicing technique is pinpoint accurate, although, she appears to have a problem with following authority, making her tough to handle.

he pondered from his perch on the tree, eyes narrowed, watching her glide through the training area, thinking she reminded him of someone.

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"you fight dirty, like you're prey trapped in a corner,"

kuchel turned to shadis from where she stood above mina, who was on the floor, sporting a sore head after being punched by the girl.

kuchel paused, confused.


"you need to be more forward and confident with your attacks. you always look like your trying to get it over as quickly as you can without sustaining major injuries,"

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