chapter eleven : snooze

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cw : underage drinking, child abuse, mention of murder, underage drug usage

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

on the outskirts of the town in the underground stood a run-down town house, overlooking a wheat field. Its once grand yellow-brown brick facade had been weathered by years of dirt and damage until it was now a dull grey. large chunks of brick had crumbled away, leaving gaping holes in the walls. Its tall, pointed windows were all broken, with thick cobwebs draped across the frames. the large, carved front door sagged on its hinges and had been left ajar.

inside, the house was just as dilapidated. the walls were covered in faded and peeling wallpaper, the floorboards were warped and cracked, and the staircase groaned underfoot. almost all the furniture had been removed, leaving empty rooms and a chill, musty air. the only current sign of life was a few scurrying rodents.

kuchel gulped nervously as she ran her fingertips over the dirtied kitchen counter tops. there were still remnants of what appeared to have had been a once happy and lively house. the grass was overgrown and the paint was peeling from the walls, but the kuchel could make out the shapes of old benches and tables, and the remnants of carved wooden statues which had once been part of the landscape.

as she stepped further inside the house, she felt a chill go down her spine as she saw the thick layers of dust and the cobwebs that had been left behind. she was sure that whoever lived here had left in a hurry, as there were still objects scattered around the house, frozen in time.

kuchel felt an urge to explore, and so she slowly made her way up the winding stairs and through the long hallways. everywhere she looked, she saw something new and strange—an old painting, a strange set of keys, some forgotten musical instruments.

as she turned through the winding corridors and lightly stepped over broken floorboards, her hope dampened with every footstep. there was no sign of the person she was looking for, or any sign that there was life in the house at all.

kuchel carefully made her way back down the stairs, clinging onto the dilapidated banister in safety. her sole touched the ground floor and she sighed, throwing herself around the corner, hoping to get out of the house as soon as possible.

suddenly something flew in front of her. it happened in an instant - a bat, coming from nowhere and barely missing her head. she threw herself back just in time, and felt something whiz past her ear.

for a moment, she just stood still, ears still rattling and heart thumping.

she took in the sight in front of her, before speaking.

"well, good mornin' to you, too,"

the bat that almost hit her was still lodged into the wooden wall where her head was moments ago. the hands were still wrapped around it tightly, prepared to move if kuchel did anything too drastic for their liking. 

the pale, scarred hands led up to more scarred and dirty skin. around the persons uncovered shoulder, there were sparse freckles adorning them and their neck, leading up to the persons face.

they had a terrified expression, eyes wide, showing off their deep blue eyes, and their vibrant red, almost curly hair fell over their forehead disorderly.

they mirrored kuchel's heavy breathing, shirt heaving up and down on their chest, hands still on the bat stuck in the wall.

then, as if they shook themselves out of their terror, they pulled harshly and flung the bat out of the wall, pieces of rotten wood and nails flying because of it, and swung it back around at kuchel, ready to hit.

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