chapter sixteen : ingydar

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cw : implied death by overdose, implied bipolar disorder, existential crisis (kinda??? thats just a regular saturday over here so idk)

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"is this what mental illness looks like?"

the house, belonging to juniper's mother, allison, was covered in a thick layer of dirt. dishes were piled up on the counters, rotting food was emitting a foul stench from the sink, clothes were all over the floor to the point you couldn't even see the hardwood anymore.

kuchel and jesse stood in the doorway, simply taking all of it in.

jesse peered his head all over the downstairs that was visible for a moment before turning to kuchel, "i don't think she's here, chel,"

"well," the girl started, kicking clothes out of her way as she made her way to the staircase, "ill check upstairs then,"

kuchel didn't wait for a response, simply throwing herself up the stairs, trying to get this visit over with as quickly as possible, and maybe talk to allison (if she was even here).

lately, she felt as thought she was looking at allison when she looked at juniper. they seemed to go through the same waves - periodic moments of euphoria, sometimes lasting months where the blonde rarely sat down or ate, always up and doing something - to now, where juniper hadn't left the bedroom for two weeks.

kuchel didn't voice any similarities to juniper, knowing how painful it was to be compared to your mother or father, so she let her rot in their shared bedroom back home and planned to find out how to help another way.

as soon as she reached the top of the stairs, the stench grew. kuchel thought it might've been from the food downstairs, but the source seemed to be around her right now.

she frowned and started to follow it.

as soon as she entered the room where it was coming from, she had to step back out, eyes quickly watering - from the smell and the scene.

it was hard to guess how long the woman had been there, but the state of her could tell a few things.

it was clear that she was dead - her neck being bent in a less than comfortable way and her eyes peeled open, staring longingly into the ceiling above the bed.

kuchel felt herself gag as she leaned against the door, not being able to look away from allison.


she thought she could hear someone calling her name, but white noise filled here hearing instead, tuning it out as she stared at her lovers dead mother.


there was thundering steps nearing her, but the girl didn't turn around to address them.

"chel?" the warmth of a body could be felt behind her, "we have a problem-"

whatever jesse was about to say was cut off as his eyes locked onto the sight in front of him, immediately turning away from it and heaving.

"yeah," kuchel mumbled, still in a trance like state, "we do,"

she robotically turned to the boy who was leaning against the hallway walls, hand over his mouth.

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