chapter thirteen : girl

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cw : usual aot character death n all that jazz, talking of prostitution, gore, drugs, mention of torture, just agony tbh don't read if u like urself

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

the dust was lifting as the three watched from their perch on the tree branch, the titan in front of them visibly quivering.

kuchel's father drew his blades, ready to head down there, when the commander spoke up.

"wait, levi," erwin commanded, holding out a hand in front of him, "we need to be extra cautious,"

erwin looked up to face the rest of the scouts hovering around, "waves 2 and three! FIRE!"

as soon as he yelled the word, searing whirs from the cannons below them bellowed, firing out more spears into the titan.

"USE THE RESERVES TOO!" erwin continued.

the scene was blurred by the blasts of fire around, covering almost the titans whole body, only the sounds of more spears being sent out and them lodging into the titans flesh being an indicator as to what was happening below them.

once the firing was over, erwin gave a small nod to levi and mike, who was on an nearing branch, to head down.

immediately, the two jumped, spinning, heading directly for the titans nape, blades drawn.

as they were about to make impact, an almost frosted substance covered the hands hiding the nape, and when levi and mike's blades made contact, a shivering scratch was heard as the blades broke at the contact.

kuchel's mouth gaped, instantaneously looking beside her to erwin to see his reaction.

the commander turned to mike who had landed back on the branch, showing his broken blades and shaking his head despondently.

the girl was about to open her mouth when the man raised his hand, signalling a scout from behind them.

the other landed, "sir?"

"prepare to blast it," erwin informed, "blow off the targets hands,"

the look in the commanders eyes was one kuchel had grown all to familiar with over her past three years in the cadet corps.

"yes, sir!" the scout respond, abliet, stammering, "however, there is a risk that our standard artillery could take out everything on the inside as well," the man explained, sweat dripping on his forehead at the command.

"then lets attempt to sever the wrists instead," erwin suggested, walking over to the man and putting a hand on his shoulder, "fire an all-out salve on my command,"


the cadet jumped down to inform the canon squad on the ground of the plans.

kuchel turned her body to face erwin's back, crossing her arms.

"you really think this is a good idea, then?" she questioned, tilting up one eyebrow at the man.

she heard the commander sigh at her before turning back to face her, sea-blue eyes stoney, "don't principal me on moral rights - we both know you don't have a leg to stand on there,"

the girl hardened her jaw at the man, teeth biting at the inside of her cheek.

"you know nothin' about me," she refuted.

erwin stifled a laugh at the response, "kuchel, i know everything about you. you're forgetting i was there, that day," he started, walking towards the girl before leaning in at her, getting in her face, "you're also forgetting that i am the reason you're not rotting in a cell - or in the ground,"

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