chapter ten : its-called-freefall

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cw : reference to implied attempted rape and rapists, underage drinking

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

it was a moonless night, the stars hanging brightly over the dorms of the cadet corps.

kuchel stuck her head out of the window, peering both ways before lifting her foot and stepping out, feet hitting the grass with a soft thump.

she turned back to see her dorm mates gathered at the window, and gestured st them to follow her out.

"maggie, are we really doing this? what if we get caught?" christa asked nervously.

kuchel responded confidently, "don't worry, we won't. grab your stuff, i'll lead the way to the lake,"

the lake had been a spot that kuchel had found on one of her many late nights outings alone, and had decided that with one look at it, her dorm mates would enjoy it as well.

they deserved it, anyway. after three years of constant training till nightfall and unfulfilling food, kuchel had decided that they had all deserved some time off. it was one of their lasts days here anyway before the introduction ceremony.

sasha landed out of the window first, excited smile on her face and the rest of the group followed, leaning out of the window, one by one, until they all cautiously took place behind kuchel.

the girl turned back to the group and stilled them all with a finger to her lips before leading the way to the forest. They made their way silently, only partly illuminated by the barely there candle light of the lantern hanna brought with her.

kuchel lead the girls to the forest and started the familiar way up to the lake, stepping over tree branches and ducking under hanging leaves.

eventually, kuchel made it over the crest of the hill, and there it sat, a shallow lake, filled with weeds and lily pads.

immediately at the sight of it, sasha yelped out, cheering, whispering a remorseful 'sorry' after mina frantically told her to quiet down.

kuchel stripped off her night clothes, leaving her in her underwear before she took a hesitant dip in the lake with her foot.

she was about to report back to the group about how it seemed, when a blur ran past her and a large splash could be heard from behind her.

kuchel whipped around, seeing sasha already in the water, laughing.

"come on! get in!"

at the encouragement of their dorm mate, kuchel jumped in after, followed by christa and ymir.

the four splashed around giggling, eventually managed to get mina and hanna to follow them in the lake.

as they all played around the lake, they laughed and screamed with joy, taking turns jumping into the lake and splashing each other. when the water got too cold, they would jump back out and run around on the shore, with the moonlight illuminating their faces with a warm glow.

kuchel heaved herself up on the bank of the river, resting her head on her crossed arms, peering at the only two girls who had refused to join them.


at the call of her name, the black haired girl looked up from her rest against the tree, dark eyes landing on kuchel and her soaked form.

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