chapter six : obstacle-one

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cw: mentions of child death

                                            **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚   ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

the sound of thundering footsteps took kuchel and mikasa out of their silence on the perch of a house near the evacuation point.

the two whipped their heads to the sound, and saw the top of a titan head, running around the city, ignoring the cadets chasing it.

"an abnormal," kuchel mumbled, taking a stand on the roof next to mikasa.

"didn't know you listened in class," the girl teased without a smile on her face.

kuchel had the privilege of feeling offended for a moment, before the screams of the people evacuating started to build up.

they looked back to see the titan running straight for the crowd, the garrison elites behind it unable to catch up.

"so, 'ow should we deal-," kuchel started to ask, turning around to mikasa before seeing nothing.

she looked back forward at the sound of whirring and saw the girl already hauling herself towards the titan.

kuchel thinned her lips and sighing before taking off behind her.

by the time she reached the area, mikasa had already taken care of the titan. it was smoking out the back of its nape on the ground, the killer standing on its back, looking at the crowd.

kuchel walked up to the dead titan, squinting her eyes at it.

"god, tha' is one ugly fucker, poor guy-"

"what...are you doing?"

kuchel looked at mikasa, confused about her question, before turning her head to what the girl was seeing.

the crowd had come to a halt, the civilians unable to pass through the wall because of a wagon blocking the way.

"oh, perfect timing! get these guys to help me!"

the man in front of the stuck wagon beamed.

kuchel scowled at him, the corner of her lips turning up in disgust.

"ill make it worth your while!"

there was silence for a moment.

"my comrades are dying as we speak," mikasa started, putting her swords away, "they're fighting and dying because the citizens haven't finished evacuating,"

"of course they are! it's your duty to give your hearts to defend the lives and property of the people!"

what an asswipe

"don't go gettin' a big head now that you freeloaders have somethin' to do after a century of uselessness!"

kuchel had decided that she had heard enough and started to walk towards the man, swords drawn, mikasa following close behind her.

"if you feel people dying for other people is a matter of course, then i'm sure you'll understand that a single, precious life can sometimes save the lives of many as well," mikasa mulled, sauntering towards the man.

two of the guys' goons ran in front of him, "just you try it! your employer and i go way back! one word from me and he'll be all over your sorry ass!"

just then, the two men ran forward, ready to fight.

kuchel pulled her sword in front of her and hit one guys head at the back, making him fall to the ground, unharmed. mikasa did the same with the other guy.

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